struct evbuffer定义在evbuffer-internal.h文件中。
- struct evbuffer {
- /** The first chain in this buffer's linked list of chains. */
- struct evbuffer_chain *first;
- /** The last chain in this buffer's linked list of chains. */
- struct evbuffer_chain *last;
- /** Pointer to the next pointer pointing at the 'last_with_data' chain.
- *
- * To unpack:
- *
- * The last_with_data chain is the last chain that has any data in it.
- * If all chains in the buffer are empty, it is the first chain.
- * If the buffer has no chains, it is NULL.
- *
- * The last_with_datap pointer points at _whatever 'next' pointer_
- * points at the last_with_datap chain. If the last_with_data chain
- * is the first chain, or it is NULL, then the last_with_datap pointer
- * is &buf->first.
- */
- struct evbuffer_chain **last_with_datap;
- /** Total amount of bytes stored in all chains.*/
- size_t total_len;
- /** Number of bytes we have added to the buffer since we last tried to
- * invoke callbacks. */
- size_t n_add_for_cb;
- /** Number of bytes we have removed from the buffer since we last
- * tried to invoke callbacks. */
- size_t n_del_for_cb;
- /** A lock used to mediate access to this buffer. */
- void *lock;
- #endif
- /** True iff we should free the lock field when we free this
- * evbuffer. */
- unsigned own_lock : ;
- /** True iff we should not allow changes to the front of the buffer
- * (drains or prepends). */
- unsigned freeze_start : ;
- /** True iff we should not allow changes to the end of the buffer
- * (appends) */
- unsigned freeze_end : ;
- /** True iff this evbuffer's callbacks are not invoked immediately
- * upon a change in the buffer, but instead are deferred to be invoked
- * from the event_base's loop. Useful for preventing enormous stack
- * overflows when we have mutually recursive callbacks, and for
- * serializing callbacks in a single thread. */
- unsigned deferred_cbs : ;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- /** True iff this buffer is set up for overlapped IO. */
- unsigned is_overlapped : ;
- #endif
- /** Zero or more EVBUFFER_FLAG_* bits */
- ev_uint32_t flags;
- /** Used to implement deferred callbacks. */
- struct event_base *cb_queue;
- /** A reference count on this evbuffer. When the reference count
- * reaches 0, the buffer is destroyed. Manipulated with
- * evbuffer_incref and evbuffer_decref_and_unlock and
- * evbuffer_free. */
- int refcnt;
- /** A struct event_callback handle to make all of this buffer's callbacks
- * invoked from the event loop. */
- struct event_callback deferred;
- /** A doubly-linked-list of callback functions */
- LIST_HEAD(evbuffer_cb_queue, evbuffer_cb_entry) callbacks;
- /** The parent bufferevent object this evbuffer belongs to.
- * NULL if the evbuffer stands alone. */
- struct bufferevent *parent;
- };
struct evbuffer_chain:
- /** A single item in an evbuffer. */
- struct evbuffer_chain {
- /** points to next buffer in the chain */
- struct evbuffer_chain *next;
- /** total allocation available in the buffer field. */
- size_t buffer_len;
- /** unused space at the beginning of buffer or an offset into a
- * file for sendfile buffers. */
- ev_misalign_t misalign;
- /** Offset into buffer + misalign at which to start writing.
- * In other words, the total number of bytes actually stored
- * in buffer. */
- size_t off;
- /** Set if special handling is required for this chain */
- unsigned flags;
- #define EVBUFFER_FILESEGMENT 0x0001 /**< A chain used for a file segment */
- #define EVBUFFER_SENDFILE 0x0002 /**< a chain used with sendfile */
- #define EVBUFFER_REFERENCE 0x0004 /**< a chain with a mem reference */
- #define EVBUFFER_IMMUTABLE 0x0008 /**< read-only chain */
- /** a chain that mustn't be reallocated or freed, or have its contents
- * memmoved, until the chain is un-pinned. */
- #define EVBUFFER_MEM_PINNED_R 0x0010
- #define EVBUFFER_MEM_PINNED_W 0x0020
- /** a chain that should be freed, but can't be freed until it is
- * un-pinned. */
- #define EVBUFFER_DANGLING 0x0040
- /** a chain that is a referenced copy of another chain */
- #define EVBUFFER_MULTICAST 0x0080
- /** number of references to this chain */
- int refcnt;
- /** Usually points to the read-write memory belonging to this
- * buffer allocated as part of the evbuffer_chain allocation.
- * For mmap, this can be a read-only buffer and
- * EVBUFFER_IMMUTABLE will be set in flags. For sendfile, it
- * may point to NULL.
- */
- unsigned char *buffer;
- };
- /** callback for a reference chain; lets us know what to do with it when
- * we're done with it. Lives at the end of an evbuffer_chain with the
- * EVBUFFER_REFERENCE flag set */
- struct evbuffer_chain_reference {
- evbuffer_ref_cleanup_cb cleanupfn;
- void *extra;
- };
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