



 #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string.h> using namespace std; static char Text[];
static int _Next[]; void Input(int &);
void Get_Next(const int); int main(void)
int Length, k_count, if_res;
while ()
if (*Text == '.')//小数点结束
if_res = Length % (Length - _Next[Length]);
k_count = Length / (Length - _Next[Length]);
if (if_res == && k_count > )
printf("%d\n", k_count);
else printf("1\n");
} void Input(int &Length)
Length = ;
scanf("%s", Text);
Length = strlen(Text);
} void Get_Next(const int Length)
int i = , k = -;
_Next[] = -; while (i < Length)
if (k == - || Text[i] == Text[k])
_Next[i] = k;
else k = _Next[k];



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