HDU 1022 Train Problem I(栈模拟)

Sample Input
3 123 321 3 123 312
Sample Output
Yes.in in in out out out FINISH No. FINISH
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<stack> using namespace std; const int maxn = 15; int main() { int N; while (~scanf("%d",&N)) { bool flag = true; stack<int>stk; int i,inout[maxn] = {0},in[maxn],out[maxn]; char sin[maxn],sout[maxn]; scanf("%s %s",sin,sout); for (i = 0;i < N;i++) in[i] = sin[i] - '0'; for (i = 0;i < N;i++) out[i] = sout[i] - '0'; // for (i = 0;i < N;i++) printf("%d %d\n",in[i],out[i]); int j = 0,p = 0; i = 0; for (i = 0;i < N;i++) { if (in[i] != out[j]) { inout[p++] = 0; stk.push(in[i]); } else if (in[i] == out[j]) { inout[p++] = 0; j++; inout[p++] = 1; while (!stk.empty() && stk.top() == out[j]) { j++; inout[p++] = 1; stk.pop(); } } } while (!stk.empty()) { if (stk.top() != out[j]) { flag = false; break; } else { j++; stk.pop(); inout[p++] = 1; } } if (!flag) printf("No.\nFINISH\n"); else { printf("Yes.\n"); for (i = 0;i < p;i++) inout[i]?printf("out\n"):printf("in\n"); printf("FINISH\n"); } } return 0; } /* 5 12342 24321 */
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