Android Studio Delete Module

1.选中Module右击,选择 Open Module Settings,打开Project Structure 窗空。(或者选中Module,按F4打开Project Structure窗口)

2.选中要移除的Module,点击 “-”  Remove Module,然后点击OK。


Make Project vs  Rebuild Project

The Build > Make Project option compiles all the source files in the entire project that have been modified since the last compilation.

The Build > Rebuild Project option recomplies all the source files in the project.

  • Compile <compilation_scope>. All the source files in the specified scope are compiled. The scope in this case may be a file, a package, etc.
  • Make Project. All the source files in the entire project that have been modified since the last compilation are compiled. Dependent source files, if appropriate, are also compiled. Additionally, the tasks tied to the compilation or make process on modified sources are performed. For example, EJB validation is performed if the corresponding option is enabled on the Validation page.
  • Make Module. Compiled are all the source files that have been modified since the last compilation in the selected module as well as in all the modules it depends on recursively.
  • Rebuild Project. All the source files in the project are recompiled. This may be necessary when the classpath entries have changed, for example, SDKs or libraries being used added, removed or altered.

Content Assist    Class Name Completion

Alt+/                 Ctrl+Alt+Space

4.Delete line   Copy Line

CTRL + Y  CTRL + D (Win)

CMD + Backspace CMD + D(Mac)

alt + f7 = find usage

ctrl + q = quick documentation

shift + f6 = refactor

ctrl + o = overide

ctrl + i = implement

ctrl + space = code completion

ctrl + shift + space = smarttype

ctrl + w = select word

alt + ins = generete code (getter, setter, constructor

ctrl + alt + l = reformat code

ctrl + y = delete line

ctrl + alt + t = surround with

alt + shift + up / down = move line up / down

ctrl + d = copy line

ctrl + h = Type Hierarchy

command+F12 = File Structure

psvm = public static void main

sout = System.out.println

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