
Provides information about Entity Framework commands.

This topic describes the Entity Framework commands. Entity Framework is
Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.

The following Entity Framework cmdlets are used with Entity Framework

Cmdlet Description
----------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Enable-Migrations Enables Code First Migrations in a project.

Add-Migration Scaffolds a migration script for any pending model

Update-Database Applies any pending migrations to the database.

Get-Migrations Displays the migrations that have been applied to
the target database.

The following Entity Framework cmdlets are used by NuGet packages that
install Entity Framework providers. These commands are not usually used as
part of normal application development.

Cmdlet Description
------------------------------ ---------------------------------------
Add-EFProvider Adds or updates an Entity Framework
provider entry in the project config

Add-EFDefaultConnectionFactory Adds or updates an Entity Framework
default connection factory in the
project config file.

Initialize-EFConfiguration Initializes the Entity Framework
section in the project config file and
sets defaults.

Entity Framework CodeFirst commands的更多相关文章

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  2. ADO.NET Entity Framework CodeFirst 如何输出日志(EF 5.0)

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  3. 第二篇:Entity Framework CodeFirst & Model 映射

    前一篇 第一篇:Entity Framework 简介 我有讲到,ORM 最关键的 Mapping,也提到了最早实现Mapping的技术,就是 特性 + 反射,那Entity Framework 实现 ...

  4. Entity Framework CodeFirst数据迁移

    前言 紧接着前面一篇博文Entity Framework CodeFirst尝试. 我们知道无论是“Database First”还是“Model First”当模型发生改变了都可以通过Visual ...

  5. entity framework codefirst 用户代码未处理DataException,InnerException基础提供程序在open上失败,数据库生成失败

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  6. Entity Framework Code-First(20):Migration

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  7. Entity Framework Code-First(15):Cascade Delete

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  8. Entity Framework Code-First(3):Setup Environment

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  9. Entity Framework Code-First(1):Introduction

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