Given 17 arrays,every array is ascending.The task is to get the median of all these numbers.

0 1 2 3 4           this is an array with 5 elements,the median is (5/2).

0 1 2 3 4 5        this is an array with 6 elements,the median is (6/2).

If we index an the elements from 0,the median is the element's count/2.

Input format

sort them:

36 elements(from a[0] to a[35]).The median is the a[18](the 19th)= 54.

The method above is O(n).

The method below is O(lgn).The keythought in the below method is alike with trisection.

 using namespace std;
 int n;
 int main(){
     If forward l-(l/2) steps,the minimum value is the ans.
     int ans;
         int s=ceil(1.0*rem/n);
         //At least,there is someone forward  ceil(rem/n) steps.who should do this?
         ans=min(ans,a[ii][j]);//I made a mistake here,should use 'min' to update ans.

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