8.3 Design a musical jukebox using object-oriented principles.


class Song;

class CD {
// ...
long _id;
string _artist;
set<Song> _songs;
}; class Song {
// ...
long _id;
CD _cd;
string _title;
long _length;
}; class Playlist {
Playlist() {};
Playlist(Song song, queue<Song> queue): _song(song), _queue(queue) {};
Song getNextSToPlay() {
Song next = _queue.front(); _queue.pop();
return next;
void queueUpSong(Song s) {
} private:
Song _song;
queue<Song> _queue;
}; class CDPlayer {
CDPlayer(CD c, Playlist p): _c(c), _p(p) {};
CDPlayer(Playlist p): _p(p) {};
CDPlayer(CD c): _c(c) {};
void playSong(Song s) {}; // ...
Playlist getPlaylist() { return _p; };
void setPlaylist(Playlist p) { _p = p; };
CD getCD() { return _c; };
void setCD(CD c) { _c = c; }; private:
Playlist _p;
CD _c;
}; class User {
User(string name, long id): _name(name), _id(id) {};
string getNmae() { return _name; };
void setName(string name) { _name = name; };
long getID() { return _id; };
void setID(long id) { _id = id; };
User getUser() { return *this; };
static User addUser(string name, long id) {}; // ... private:
string _name;
long _id;
}; class SongSelector {
Song getCurrentSong() {}; // ...
}; class Jukebox {
Jukebox(CDPlayer cdPlayer, User user, set<CD> cdCollection, SongSelector ts): _cdPlayer(cdPlayer), _user(user), _cdCollection(cdCollection), _ts(ts) {};
Song getCurrentSong() {
return _ts.getCurrentSong();
void setUser(User u) {
_user = u;
} private:
CDPlayer _cdPlayer;
User _user;
set<CD> _cdCollection;
SongSelector _ts;

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