因为实验室有个多余的老服务器,所以近段时间想把老服务器做成打印机服务器,同时因为最近在学习linux,所以就像在CentOS6.3 上安装打印机驱动。因为是新手,所以走了不少弯路,今天终于把打印机安装好了。





1. 确认cups有没有安装并启动,可使用
service cups status
rpm -qa|grep cups
yum install cups



Download and Install

Click the link, or cut and paste the whole command line below to download the driver.

    $ wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz

Now unpack it:

$ tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz
$ cd foo2zjs

Now compile and install it. The INSTALL file contains more detailed instructions; please read it now.

$ make Get extra files from the web, such as .ICM profiles for color correction,
and firmware. Select the model number for your printer:
$ ./getweb P1005 # Get HP LaserJet P1005 firmware file
$ ./getweb P1006 # Get HP LaserJet P1006 firmware file
$ ./getweb P1007 # Get HP LaserJet P1007 firmware file
$ ./getweb P1008 # Get HP LaserJet P1008 firmware file
$ ./getweb P1505 # Get HP LaserJet P1505 firmware file Install driver, foomatic XML files, and extra files:
$ su OR $ sudo make install
# make install (Optional) Configure hotplug (USB; HP LJ P1005/P1006/P1007/P1008/P1505):
# make install-hotplug OR $ sudo make install-hotplug (Optional) If you use CUPS, restart the spooler:
# make cups OR $ sudo make cups

Now create printer entries for your spooler. Create the queues first, then edit them and set the device options as desired. See your operating system documentation for further details on creating a printer queue. Click any hyperlinks below for sample screenshots.

For Redhat 7.2/7.3/8.0/9.0 and Fedora Core 1-5 users:

    # printconf-gui

For Fedora 6/7/.../20, and Ubuntu 7.10/8.x/.../14.x users:

    $ system-config-printer

For Mandrake/Manrivia users:

    # printerdrake

For SUSE 10.x/11.x users:

    # yast2 printer

For Ubuntu 5.10/6.06/6.10/7.04 users:

    $ sudo gnome-cups-manager
$ sudo make cups # IMPORTANT: gnome-cups-manager has a BUG in it

For Debian 3.x, 4.x, and other systems that use CUPS http://localhost:631

    $ firefox http://localhost:631

Command line using CUPS:

    # lpadmin -p "NAME" -v "URI" -E -P /usr/share/cups/model/file.ppd.gz
# lpadmin -d "NAME" # Set the default

For low level testing, you can also create a "raw queue", which will accept "XQX" stream files as-is and send them directly to the printer.


make install-hotplug
 make cups	






netstat -an |grep  631



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