SharePoint 2013 Installation and Configuration Issues
# Issue 1:
During Installing SharePoint 2013 Prerequisites there was an error in installing Application Server Role , Web Server (IIS) Role : Configuration error
Steps to fix (Installing .Net Framework 3.5):
- Insert the Windows Server 2012 installation image or DVD
- Open a command prompt window (run as Administrator) and run the following:
- Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\sources\SxS /LimitAccess
Note: D:\ is a Label for CD Drive in my case where Windows Server 2012 ISO image.
# Issue 2:
During running Configuration Wizard I got the following error in step 3:
Failed to create the configuration database.
Steps to fix (Change setting in SQL Server Instance - this option was optional in SharePoint 2010 but in SharePoint 2013 it's mandatory):
- Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Login with sysadmin user
- Right Click on instance name and select properties >> Advanced
- Change Max Degree of Parallelism to 1
- Restart the SQL Service
For more details:
# Issue 3:
During running Configuration Wizard I got the following error in step 3:
Failed to secure the SharePoint resources.
Steps to fix (Change Folder Owner):
- Go to C:\Windows\Tasks
- Right Click on Tasks Folder and select Properties
- Go to Security Tab
- Click Advanced button
- Click Change link in owner filed
- Enter local Administrators group (Where SharePoint account which perform the installation belong to this group)
# Issue 4:
Steps to fix:
# Issue 5:
After installing SP 1 and then try to run Configuration Wizard I got the following error in log file
Unable to create a Service Connection Point in the current Active Directory domain. Verify that the SharePoint container exists in the current domain and that you have rights to write to it.
Steps to fix:
check this link
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