
If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention on our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you can not fail to obey it.


  1. traffic police: 交警
    traffic lights: 红绿灯 first crossing/turning 指路的时候常常会用到, first traffic lights.
    traffic jam: 交通堵塞 It costs me an hour in the traffic jam.
    heavy traffic: 繁重的交通 in heavy traffic.

  2. note: n. 便条,纸条,纸钞,笔记
    make note: 做笔记

  3. area: 泛指场地
    region: 地区(交战、开火)
    place: 地点

  4. remind: v. 提醒
    remind sb. of sth.
    remind to do sth.
    An older photo can remind me of my childhood.
    reminder: n. (让人想起的)提示

  5. fail: v. 无视,忘记,失败
    He failed (in the examination).
    fail to do 没有能够做某事
    He failed to swimming across the river.
    not fail to do sth. (强调)一定能够做……
    He can't fail to pass it. You can't fail to drive it.

  6. wrong:不合适的
    right: 合适的
    He is the person who you are looking for. = He is right person who you are looking for.
    They met in a wrong place at the wrong time.

  7. 真实条件句中,从句为现在时,主句往往用一般将来时或祈使句。
    If he is sleeping, don't wake him up.

  8. without + 名词,构成条件,译为“如果没有”
    Without water, fish can't live.

  9. 在车站接到前来拜访的好朋友,我对她说:“你在这里一定会玩得开心的。”
    You will enjoy your stay here.
    I have enjoyed my stay here.

  10. Why not: 是一种建议

  11. remember: v. 记住,记得。 n. 提示物
    • Do you remember ~ ?
    • Remember?
    • remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事
    • remember doing sth. 记得已经做了某事
      -m: Remember to send the letter.
      -s: I remembered sending the letter.
    • remember me to your family.

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