Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.


What is risk?

I think risk means the things that you can't control, you don't what it will be, and what it will bring to your life.

As in coding, you must take everything of your code in your own control, otherwise the program may breakdown some time.

But sometimes, the bugs in your program may result from the compiler you use, this can be called risk.

So, in a word, risk is just unknown things.

What can we do to reduce risk?

It is certain that we can't eliminate risk, we only can do something to reduce it.

The only way is to take your life within your own control, and make what you can control perfect.

If you can do like this, you will find life is controllable and life will become better and easier.

You can't change what you are, only what you do.


Change what you do, and then, you can change what you are.

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