Children's Day

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) 

   Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)

Problem Description
Today is Children's Day. Some children ask you to output a big letter 'N'. 'N' is constituted by two vertical linesand one diagonal. Each pixel of this letter is a character orderly. No tail blank is allowed. For example, this is a big 'N' start with 'a' and it's size is 3.

a e 
c g

Your task is to write different 'N' from size 3 to size 10. The pixel character used is from 'a' to 'z' continuously and periodic('a' is reused after 'z').

This problem has no input.
Output different 'N' from size 3 to size 10. There is no blank line among output.
Sample Output
a e
c g
h    n
i  m o
j l  p
k    q
r    j


Not all the resultsare listed in the sample. There are just some lines. The ellipsis expresseswhat you should write.



输出由字符组成的‘N’  , 三到十的大小。(模拟一下就可以啦)


using namespace std;
char map[][];
int main() {
int k = ;
for(int n = ;n <= ;n++) { //memset(map,'\n',sizeof(map));
for(int i = ;i <= n;i++) {
for(int j = ;j < n;j++) {
if(i == || i == n - || i + j == n - ) {
map[j][i] = k % + 'a';
} else if(i == n) {
map[j][i] = '\0';
} else map[j][i] = ' ';
} for(int i = ;i < n;i++)
return ;

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