谷歌面经 Tree Serialization
You should transform an structure of multiple tree from machine A to machine B. It is a serialization and deserialization problem, but i failed to solve it well.
You could assume the struct is like this:
struct Node{
string val;
vector<Node*> sons;
and in machine A, you will given the point to root Node, and in machine B,you should return a pointer to root Node.
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.sons = [] class Solution:
def __init__(self, root):
self.sequence = str(root.val)
cur = [root]
while cur:
next = []
for i in cur:
self.sequence += str(len(i.sons))
for ii in i.sons:
self.sequence += str(ii.val)
cur = next def de_serial(self):
strs = self.sequence
# print strs
idx = 1
cur = [Node(int(strs[0]))]
root = cur[0]
while cur and idx < len(strs):
next = []
for i in cur:
num = int(strs[idx])
# print 'num', num
idx += 1 # notice this, idx increment not in while but in for
for j in range(num):
tmp = Node(int(strs[idx]))
# print tmp.val
idx += 1 cur = next
# print map(lambda x: x.val, next)
return root if __name__ == "__main__":
tree = Node(1)
two = Node(2)
three = Node(3)
four = Node(4)
five = Node(5)
six = Node(6)
seven = Node(7)
tree.sons = [two, three, four]
two.sons = [five]
three.sons = [six, seven]
a = Solution(tree)
print a.de_serial()
先序遍历+中序遍历 唯一确定一棵树, 前提是树是二叉树,树的所有节点值不同
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.left = None
self.right = None class Solution:
def __init__(self):
self.pre = []
self.ino = [] def preorder(self, root, list):
if not root: return
self.preorder(root.left, list)
self.preorder(root.right, list) def inorder(self, root, lists):
if not root: return
self.inorder(root.left, lists)
self.inorder(root.right, lists) def serialization(self, root):
self.preorder(root, self.pre)
self.inorder(root, self.ino) def de_serial(self):
return self.de_serialization(self.pre, self.ino) def de_serialization(self, pre, inorder):
if not pre: return None
root = Node(pre[0])
i = 0
while i < len(inorder):
if pre[0] == inorder[i]:
i += 1 root.left = self.de_serialization(pre[1:i+1], inorder[:i])
root.right = self.de_serialization(pre[i+1:], inorder[i+1:])
return root if __name__ == "__main__":
a = Solution()
tree = Node(0)
tree.left = Node(1)
tree.right = Node(2)
root = a.de_serial()
print root.val, root.left.val, root.right.val
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