More descriptive way to declare and use a method in programming languages

At present, in most programming language, a method is declared in few parts:

keyword, method name, method parameters and return type etc.


function int add(int a, int b)
\\ The way to use it:
int r = add(2, 3)

new way: Natural language style method declaration and usages in programming languages


The idea is to split a method name into multiple parts, and put parameters before/between/after these name parts.

Example 1:

function int (int a)add(int b)

\\ usage:
r = (2) add (3)
\\ or
r = 2 and 3

Example 2:

function void save(Employee employee)with(EmployeeSaveOptions options)

\\ usage:
\\ or
save employee with options

Example 2:

function (int a)add(int b) result is (return int) 

\\ usage:
int r = (2) add (3)
\\ or
int r = 2 and 3
\\ or
(2) add (3) result is int r


  • For each parameter part, it may includes 0+ parameter(s).
  • For return data type, we may use parameter style with a keyword return inside, e.g. result is (return (DataType))


The new way makes code is more readable.

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