Free and open source tools for doc generation:

the JSDoc Toolkit (

and YUIDoc (

Process of generating API documentation

• Writing specially formatted code blocks

• Running a tool to parse the code and the comments

• Publishing the results of the tool, which are most often HTML pages


* Reverse a string


* @param {String} input String to reverse

* @return {String} The reversed string


var reverse = function (input) {
// ...
return output;

The contents of app.js starts like this:


* My JavaScript application


* @module myapp


Then you define a blank object to use as a namespace:

var MYAPP = {};

And then you define an object math_stuff that has two methods: sum() and multi():


* A math utility

* @namespace MYAPP

* @class math_stuff


MYAPP.math_stuff = {


    * Sums two numbers


    * @method sum

    * @param {Number} a First number

    * @param {Number} b The second number

    * @return {Number} The sum of the two inputs


    sum: function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, /** * Multiplies two numbers * * @method multi * @param {Number} a First number * @param {Number} b The second number * @return {Number} The two inputs multiplied */
multi: function (a, b) {
return a * b;


The global reference that contains your object.


A misnomer (no classes in JavaScript) that is used to mean either an object or a constructor function.


Defines a method in an object and specifies the method name.


Lists the arguments that a function takes. The types of the parameters are in curly braces, followed by the parameter name and its description.


Like @param, only it describes the value returned by the method and has no name.

• @constructor hints that this “class” is actually a constructor function

• @property and @type describe properties of an object


* Constructs Person objects

* @class Person

* @constructor

* @namespace MYAPP

* @param {String} first First name

* @param {String} last Last name


MYAPP.Person = function (first, last) {


    * Name of the person

    * @property first_name

    * @type String

this.first_name = first; /** * Last (family) name of the person * @property last_name * @type String */
this.last_name = last;
}; /** * Returns the name of the person object * * @method getName * @return {String} The name of the person */ MYAPP.Person.prototype.getName = function () {
return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name;

YUIDoc Example

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