EF Core 源码分析
最近在接触DDD+micro service来开发项目,因为EF Core太适合DDD模式需要的ORM设计,所以这篇博客是从代码角度去理解EF core的内部实现,希望大家能从其中学到一些心得体会去更好的写出高质量的代码。
从github 上去下载ef core仓库, 本篇代码的版本是基于tag v5.0.3的,如果大家在以后看见这篇博客,可以在分支上reset 到这个tag对照这边博客,下载完成之后,配置根目录下的global.json成本机已经安装的sdk, runtime 的版本,直接build通过就可以了。下面是代码的目录。
简单的说一下,benchmark 是用来性能测试的,solution是一些自动化部署的配置文件,src是ef core 的核心代码,test 是此项目的单元测试目录,如果你想更深入了解每个模块的实现逻辑,从单元测试出发是一个非常不错的选择。
在用户阶段我们需要做的如下,代码来自 ef 官方文档
- 1 using System;
- 2 using System.Linq;
- 3
- 4 namespace EFGetStarted
- 5 {
- 6 internal class Program
- 7 {
- 8 private static void Main()
- 9 {
- 10 using (var db = new BloggingContext())
- 11 {
- 12 // Note: This sample requires the database to be created before running.
- 13
- 14 // Create
- 15 Console.WriteLine("Inserting a new blog");
- 16 db.Add(new Blog { Url = "http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet" });
- 17 db.SaveChanges();
- 18
- 19 // Read
- 20 Console.WriteLine("Querying for a blog");
- 21 var blog = db.Blogs
- 22 .OrderBy(b => b.BlogId)
- 23 .First();
- 24
- 25 // Update
- 26 Console.WriteLine("Updating the blog and adding a post");
- 27 blog.Url = "https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet";
- 28 blog.Posts.Add(
- 29 new Post { Title = "Hello World", Content = "I wrote an app using EF Core!" });
- 30 db.SaveChanges();
- 31
- 32 // Delete
- 33 Console.WriteLine("Delete the blog");
- 34 db.Remove(blog);
- 35 db.SaveChanges();
- 36 }
- 37 }
- 38 }
- 39 }
首先我们先看在new DbContext的时候做了哪些的初始化的动作
- 1 protected DbContext()
- 2 : this(new DbContextOptions<DbContext>())
- 3 {
- 4 }
这个Context创建了了自己的DbContextOptions,很明显我们需要的一些配置像数据库组件等信息都是需要在DbContextOptions里配置的,我们继续看下去会发现在初始化的时候会创建一个字典对象,正如其名所说的一样这是在维护一些扩展组件。当你想使用不同类型的数据库是引用的library 就是在动态注册这些组件。在本例中,我们使用InMemoryDatabse来测试。
- 1 protected DbContextOptions(
- 2 [NotNull] IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IDbContextOptionsExtension> extensions)
- 3 {
- 4 Check.NotNull(extensions, nameof(extensions));
- 5
- 6 _extensions = extensions;
- 7 }
在相应的DbContext的继承子类重写OnConfiguring方法就可以使用memory database,配置如下
- 1 protected internal override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
- 2 {
- 3 options.UseInMemoryDatabase(nameof(BloggingContext));
- 4 }
- 1 public DbContext([NotNull] DbContextOptions options)
- 2 {
- 3 Check.NotNull(options, nameof(options));
- 4
- 5 if (!options.ContextType.IsAssignableFrom(GetType()))
- 6 {
- 7 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.NonGenericOptions(GetType().ShortDisplayName()));
- 8 }
- 9
- 10 _options = options;
- 11
- 12 // This service is not stored in _setInitializer as this may not be the service provider that will be used
- 13 // as the internal service provider going forward, because at this time OnConfiguring has not yet been called.
- 14 // Mostly that isn't a problem because set initialization is done by our internal services, but in the case
- 15 // where some of those services are replaced, this could initialize set using non-replaced services.
- 16 // In this rare case if this is a problem for the app, then the app can just not use this mechanism to create
- 17 // DbSet instances, and this code becomes a no-op. However, if this set initializer is then saved and used later
- 18 // for the Set method, then it makes the problem bigger because now an app is using the non-replaced services
- 19 // even when it doesn't need to.
- 20 ServiceProviderCache.Instance.GetOrAdd(options, providerRequired: false)
- 21 .GetRequiredService<IDbSetInitializer>()
- 22 .InitializeSets(this);
- 23
- 24 EntityFrameworkEventSource.Log.DbContextInitializing();
- 25 }
check完之后,ServiceProviderCache的单例模式去获取内部的service provide,这个很明显是对需要的组件进行依赖注入。我们截取了一些核心代码如下。
- 1 public virtual IServiceProvider GetOrAdd([NotNull] IDbContextOptions options, bool providerRequired)
- 2 {
- 3 var key = options.Extensions
- 4 .OrderBy(e => e.GetType().Name)
- 5 .Aggregate(0L, (t, e) => (t * 397) ^ ((long)e.GetType().GetHashCode() * 397) ^ e.Info.GetServiceProviderHashCode());
- 6
- 7 return _configurations.GetOrAdd(key, k => BuildServiceProvider()).ServiceProvider;
- 8
- 9 (IServiceProvider ServiceProvider, IDictionary<string, string> DebugInfo) BuildServiceProvider()
- 10 {
- 11
- 12 var services = new ServiceCollection();
- 13 var hasProvider = ApplyServices(options, services);
- 14
- 15 var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
- 16
- 17 if (hasProvider)
- 18 {
- 19 serviceProvider
- 20 .GetRequiredService<ISingletonOptionsInitializer>()
- 21 .EnsureInitialized(serviceProvider, options);
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 return (serviceProvider, debugInfo);
- 25 }
- 26 }
从上面可以看出,option 的注册扩展组件不一样会创建不一样的service provide,在第13行代码会进行依赖注入,我们点进去之后会看到如下代码。
- 1 private static bool ApplyServices(IDbContextOptions options, ServiceCollection services)
- 2 {
- 3 var coreServicesAdded = false;
- 4
- 5 foreach (var extension in options.Extensions)
- 6 {
- 7 extension.ApplyServices(services);
- 8
- 9 if (extension.Info.IsDatabaseProvider)
- 10 {
- 11 coreServicesAdded = true;
- 12 }
- 13 }
- 14
- 15 if (coreServicesAdded)
- 16 {
- 17 return true;
- 18 }
- 19
- 20 new EntityFrameworkServicesBuilder(services).TryAddCoreServices();
- 21
- 22 return false;
- 23 }
循环option获取其中的扩展组件,每个组件会有自己的依赖对象注入,如果没找到database provider,再注入当前的context的核心依赖对象注入,注入的逻辑不用看了,后面去查接口的实现对象参考这个就行了。代码到现在我们能看到已经获取service provider了,接下来继续看InitializeSets的方法。
- 1 public virtual void InitializeSets(DbContext context)
- 2 {
- 3 foreach (var setInfo in _setFinder.FindSets(context.GetType()).Where(p => p.Setter != null))
- 4 {
- 5 setInfo.Setter.SetClrValue(
- 6 context,
- 7 ((IDbSetCache)context).GetOrAddSet(_setSource, setInfo.Type));
- 8 }
- 9 }
我们记得之前声明dbcontext 的时候我们会写dbset 属性,但是并没有对其进行赋值,并且所有对表的操作仿佛都是通过这个对象来完成的,是因为dbcontext 帮我们自动做了赋值的操作,我们找到findSets的实现逻辑。
- 1 public virtual IReadOnlyList<DbSetProperty> FindSets(Type contextType)
- 2 => _cache.GetOrAdd(contextType, FindSetsNonCached);
- 3
- 4 private static DbSetProperty[] FindSetsNonCached(Type contextType)
- 5 {
- 6 var factory = new ClrPropertySetterFactory();
- 7
- 8 return contextType.GetRuntimeProperties()
- 9 .Where(
- 10 p => !p.IsStatic()
- 11 && !p.GetIndexParameters().Any()
- 12 && p.DeclaringType != typeof(DbContext)
- 13 && p.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType
- 14 && p.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(DbSet<>))
- 15 .OrderBy(p => p.Name)
- 16 .Select(
- 17 p => new DbSetProperty(
- 18 p.Name,
- 19 p.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.Single(),
- 20 p.SetMethod == null ? null : factory.Create(p)))
- 21 .ToArray();
- 22 }
上面的代码会显示不是静态的,不是索引,type不是dbcontext的,是泛型的,是dbset泛型的属性会当做dbcontext 的set来处理,然后map成DbSetProperty对象进行维护,值得注意的一点是SetMethod为factory.Create(p)返回的Func类型,这个时候对象并没有赋值,指到在上面代码setInfo.Setter.SetClrValue调用完这个set才是真正的进行赋值,而其中的逻辑是如下所示。
- 1 [UsedImplicitly]
- 2 private static Func<DbContext, string, object> CreateSetFactory<TEntity>()
- 3 where TEntity : class
- 4 => (c, name) => new InternalDbSet<TEntity>(c, name);
其中的dbset 属性就是一个个的InternalDbSet对象,初始化set之后dbcontext就是日志记录一下,这个不是我的研究重点对象,到此为止一个dbcontext对象创建成功,这个时候我们的疑问就来了,我们的数据库配置的组件等配置是什么时候初始化的呢,明显现在的option 是非常干净的。
- 1 private EntityEntry<TEntity> SetEntityState<TEntity>(
- 2 TEntity entity,
- 3 EntityState entityState)
- 4 where TEntity : class
- 5 {
- 6 var entry = EntryWithoutDetectChanges(entity);
- 7
- 8 SetEntityState(entry.GetInfrastructure(), entityState);
- 9
- 10 return entry;
- 11 }
我们会传入一个entity对象,并且将entityState 置为add 的状态,这个时候我们会涉及到一个重要的对象,就是DbContextDependencies.StateManager,这个就是内部的entity的状态管理对象,我们稍后会讨论这个对象。
- 1 private EntityEntry<TEntity> EntryWithoutDetectChanges<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
- 2 where TEntity : class
- 3 => new(DbContextDependencies.StateManager.GetOrCreateEntry(entity));
- 1 private IServiceProvider InternalServiceProvider
- 2 {
- 3 get
- 4 {
- 5 CheckDisposed();
- 6
- 7 if (_contextServices != null)
- 8 {
- 9 return _contextServices.InternalServiceProvider;
- 10 }
- 11
- 12 if (_initializing)
- 13 {
- 14 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.RecursiveOnConfiguring);
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 try
- 18 {
- 19 _initializing = true;
- 20
- 21 var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder(_options);
- 22
- 23 OnConfiguring(optionsBuilder);
- 24
- 25 if (_options.IsFrozen
- 26 && !ReferenceEquals(_options, optionsBuilder.Options))
- 27 {
- 28 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.PoolingOptionsModified);
- 29 }
- 30
- 31 var options = optionsBuilder.Options;
- 32
- 33 _serviceScope = ServiceProviderCache.Instance.GetOrAdd(options, providerRequired: true)
- 34 .GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>()
- 35 .CreateScope();
- 36
- 37 var scopedServiceProvider = _serviceScope.ServiceProvider;
- 38
- 39 var contextServices = scopedServiceProvider.GetService<IDbContextServices>();
- 40
- 41 contextServices.Initialize(scopedServiceProvider, options, this);
- 42
- 43 _contextServices = contextServices;
- 44
- 45 DbContextDependencies.InfrastructureLogger.ContextInitialized(this, options);
- 46 }
- 47 finally
- 48 {
- 49 _initializing = false;
- 50 }
- 51
- 52 return _contextServices.InternalServiceProvider;
- 53 }
- 54 }
在23行的OnConfiguring方法就是会调用我们配置的数据库组件,本例中我们用的就是inmemorydatabase,我们现在撇一下这个组件中间做了啥。很简单的就是在option中注册了扩展组件InMemoryOptionsExtension,之前说过注册了组件之后会重新生成新的server provider, 在新的server collection 重新注入memory database 组件所需要的依赖对象。在扩展组件的InMemoryOptionsExtension.ApplyServices 方法。这是每个扩展组件必须要实现的方法。现在我们知道database组件现在已经注册进来了。继续查看contetx.add 方法的逻辑。
- 1 private IServiceProvider InternalServiceProvider
- 2 {
- 3 get
- 4 {
- 5 CheckDisposed();
- 6
- 7 if (_contextServices != null)
- 8 {
- 9 return _contextServices.InternalServiceProvider;
- 10 }
- 11
- 12 if (_initializing)
- 13 {
- 14 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.RecursiveOnConfiguring);
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 try
- 18 {
- 19 _initializing = true;
- 20
- 21 var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder(_options);
- 22
- 23 OnConfiguring(optionsBuilder);
- 24
- 25 if (_options.IsFrozen
- 26 && !ReferenceEquals(_options, optionsBuilder.Options))
- 27 {
- 28 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.PoolingOptionsModified);
- 29 }
- 30
- 31 var options = optionsBuilder.Options;
- 32
- 33 _serviceScope = ServiceProviderCache.Instance.GetOrAdd(options, providerRequired: true)
- 34 .GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>()
- 35 .CreateScope();
- 36
- 37 var scopedServiceProvider = _serviceScope.ServiceProvider;
- 38
- 39 var contextServices = scopedServiceProvider.GetService<IDbContextServices>();
- 40
- 41 contextServices.Initialize(scopedServiceProvider, options, this);
- 42
- 43 _contextServices = contextServices;
- 44
- 45 DbContextDependencies.InfrastructureLogger.ContextInitialized(this, options);
- 46 }
- 47 finally
- 48 {
- 49 _initializing = false;
- 50 }
- 51
- 52 return _contextServices.InternalServiceProvider;
- 53 }
- 54 }
现在转到上上上个代码片段,statemanager 需要创建一个entity,这时候会判断这个entity存在不存在,如果不存在会在facyor 方法创建一个statemanager管理的entity,然后在statemanager更新这个entity的状态。
- 1 public virtual InternalEntityEntry GetOrCreateEntry(object entity)
- 2 {
- 3 var entry = TryGetEntry(entity);
- 4 if (entry == null)
- 5 {
- 6 var entityType = _model.FindRuntimeEntityType(entity.GetType());
- 7 if (entityType == null)
- 8 {
- 9 if (_model.IsShared(entity.GetType()))
- 10 {
- 11 throw new InvalidOperationException(
- 12 CoreStrings.UntrackedDependentEntity(
- 13 entity.GetType().ShortDisplayName(),
- 14 "." + nameof(EntityEntry.Reference) + "()." + nameof(ReferenceEntry.TargetEntry),
- 15 "." + nameof(EntityEntry.Collection) + "()." + nameof(CollectionEntry.FindEntry) + "()"));
- 16 }
- 17
- 18 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.EntityTypeNotFound(entity.GetType().ShortDisplayName()));
- 19 }
- 20
- 21 if (entityType.FindPrimaryKey() == null)
- 22 {
- 23 throw new InvalidOperationException(CoreStrings.KeylessTypeTracked(entityType.DisplayName()));
- 24 }
- 25
- 26 entry = _internalEntityEntryFactory.Create(this, entityType, entity);
- 27
- 28 UpdateReferenceMaps(entry, EntityState.Detached, null);
- 29 }
- 30
- 31 return entry;
- 32 }
- 1 switch (state)
- 2 {
- 3 case EntityState.Detached:
- 4 _detachedReferenceMap ??= new Dictionary<object, InternalEntityEntry>(LegacyReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- 5 _detachedReferenceMap[mapKey] = entry;
- 6 break;
- 7 case EntityState.Unchanged:
- 8 _unchangedReferenceMap ??=
- 9 new Dictionary<object, InternalEntityEntry>(LegacyReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- 10 _unchangedReferenceMap[mapKey] = entry;
- 11 break;
- 12 case EntityState.Deleted:
- 13 _deletedReferenceMap ??= new Dictionary<object, InternalEntityEntry>(LegacyReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- 14 _deletedReferenceMap[mapKey] = entry;
- 15 break;
- 16 case EntityState.Modified:
- 17 _modifiedReferenceMap ??= new Dictionary<object, InternalEntityEntry>(LegacyReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- 18 _modifiedReferenceMap[mapKey] = entry;
- 19 break;
- 20 case EntityState.Added:
- 21 _addedReferenceMap ??= new Dictionary<object, InternalEntityEntry>(LegacyReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- 22 _addedReferenceMap[mapKey] = entry;
- 23 break;
- 24 }
随后在这个entity会进入到一个changetracking 的状态。
好了今天写到这个地方了,进入tracking 的状态时会有一个graph 对象所管理,其中拥有一些图的数据结构,现在快11点了,就写到这里后面我会跟上后续的内容,谢谢大家的阅读,如果有任何不理解或者指正的地方欢迎评论,最后谢谢大家。
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