浅谈Java的学习之路——怎样学好JAVA ?
Java - 近10年来计算机软件发展过程中的传奇,其在众多开发者心中的地位就如“屠龙刀”、“倚天剑”。


1. 首先应思考一下





2. 其次请准备一下

请不要把你的学习Java之路和其它计算机技术分开看待,技术的联系往往是千丝万缕的,你应该掌握一些学习Java所涉及的基础知识,对于 “CLASSPATH要怎么设置啊”、“跪求JDK下载地址”等等问题,你不该问,因为Internet上太多答案了,甚至换个角度说,你是不是还不适合直接学习编程?


JDK 6正式版刚刚推出,市面上你暂时买不到JDK 6的书籍,但我仍推荐你买一本适合入门的、较新JDK版本的Java书籍,那么,你现在家电维修选择一本讲述JDK 5的入门书籍还是有条件的。我可以推荐一些入门书,但是我不打算这么做,因为合我口味的,不一定适合你。但无论如何,《Thing In Java》绝对不应该作为你入门Java的第一本书籍!



准备你的学习环境,很简单,安装JDK 6,然后用类似UltraEdit、EditPlus的文本编辑器配置你的学习环境,Internet上有很多关于如何配置的文章。初学Java,不建议用IDE工具,通过一行行的敲代码,你会碰到很多问题,只有这样,你才能学会怎样解决问题,并加深自己对Java的理解。


3. 怎样开始Java基础学习之路?


Java的体系分为Java SE、Java EE和Java ME(JDK 5.0以前分别叫J2SE、J2EE和J2ME),Java的敲门砖就是Java SE了,也就是你要入门学习的内容,不论你日后是选择哪个体系领域作为发展方向,你都得从Java SE起步。

学习Java SE,打好Java基础;如果想学Java EE(对不起,我不了解Java ME,所以我无法涉及Java ME的相关内容),对于AWT、Swing是否要学习呢,我个人是觉得还是要知道其所以然的,特别是其事件处理模式,我强烈建议初学者一定要弄清楚,其他具体的开发就不一定要全面掌握了,毕竟AWT、Swing方面的内容足够用几本大部头的书才能描述详尽;当然,如果你的工作就是做 AWT、Swing开发,那就另当别论了。


4. Java EE的学习之路

学习了Java SE,还只是完成“万里长征”的第一步。

接下来选择学习Java EE或是Java ME(或者你还想不断深入学习Java SE,只要你喜欢,你可以一直深入下去,就像前面所说的,我不会讲到Java ME的学习);估计选择Java EE方面的学习者会多一些,Java EE所涉及技术非常多,考虑到初学者的接受程度,我会尽量从最常用的角度来介绍。

学习Java EE,在开发环境上不建议再用文本编辑器,我感觉NetBeans 5.5(目前最高正式版本)很适合初学者,我个人也很喜欢NetBeans,如果你喜欢用别的IDE如Eclipse,都没问题,看自己喜欢吧。

4.1 学习JSP/Servlet

Java EE最高版本目前是5.0版本。

在Java EE中,首先要学习JSP/Servlet(结合Tomcat、MySQL)技术,建议JSP1.2/2.X的知识都要掌握,毕竟现在很多的在用系统都还是基于JSP1.2,学习JSP,还必须掌握一些外延技术,如:你还得掌握HTML基础知识,最好再掌握些JavaScript(目前正火的AJAX技术之一)、CSS的技术,而了解XML是必不可少的(至少描述性配置信息是通过XML来描述的)。在学习JSP/Servlet过程中,应该结合学习 JDBC、数据库开发技术,毕竟绝大多数Java Web项目都是和数据库紧密结合的。

4.2 学习数据库开发技术

这里我想重点说一下数据库开发技术,数据库技术是做业务系统必备技能,Java Web开发人员最低程度都应该掌握SQL语句的使用!数据库技术大体可分为DBA技术和数据库开发技术,对于开发而言,应侧重数据库开发技术,而数据库基本操作,也是要掌握的。常用数据库有DB2、Oracle、SQL Server、MySQL等,你可以结合实际需要武汉空调维修技术,选择一种数据库,并花大力气掌握其开发技术。

记住,学习数据库开发技术和学习Java EE,是相对独立的,你可以在学习JSP/Servlet的同时,学习数据库开发技术(如SQL语句等),或者先学数据库开发技术,之后再学习JSP/Servlet。

4.3 学习Java EE其它开发技术

再往后,可以学习一些EJB的知识,目前EJB最新版本是3.0,其和前面的2.X版本相比,有较大不同,考虑到目前EJB 2.X还有很大的应用市场,建议结合学习EJB 2.X/3.0。在学习EJB过程中,应同时掌握一种企业级应用服务器的使用(如 WebSphere、Weblogic、Sun Applcation Server或JBOSS等,目前Sun Applcation Server 9.X和JBOSS都可支持EJB 3.0)。

之后的学习中,再逐渐扩展到其他Java EE技术。

5. 之后

等你对Java EE有些感悟的时候,你自然就会想不断扩展你的知识面,这时候你可以学习Spring、Hibernate,以及各种Web框架(如Struts、JSF、Webwork或是Tapestry等)。


6. 文章小结






但是 18年后一直是编程语言榜首的Java好像是被C语言超了


On the way to learn Java - how to learn JAVA? 
Java - the past 10 years in the development of computer software legend, many developers in the status of the hearts as "Tulong Dao," "Heavenly Sword." 

Java is a platform, I just want to talk about my point of view to learn Java, I hope to help beginners. 

1 should first think about 

Learn Java before, do not worry, stop and think about: 

1) if you are interested in learning Java? 

2) you can stop and perseverance to learn? 

Ah, this is easy but absolutely should not ignore the problem, you are sure your are interested in Java, but there are prepared to endure hardship, then you just might learn Java! If you have these two conditions, please continue to read on ... ... 

(2) Second, please get ready 

Please do not put your road to learning Java and other computer technology separate view, technology is often inextricably linked, you should learn to master some of the basics involved in Java, for "CLASSPATH to how to set ah," "kneeling Download JDK requirements, "and so on, you should not ask, because too many answers on the Internet, even from another perspective, you are not yet suitable for direct learning programming? 

1) learning to use Java to buy this book. 

JDK 6 has just released the official version, the market can not buy you a temporary JDK 6 books, but I still recommend you buy a suitable entry, newer JDK version of Java books, then you choose one of about JDK 5 entry books or conditional. I can recommend some of the primer, but I do not intend to do so, because to my taste, not necessarily for you. But in any case, "Thing In Java" you absolutely should not be started as Java's first book! 

Remember, the network resources a lot to learn Java, but the basic is not systematic, with a Java entry books, you learn Java-based system. 

2) Prepare Java learning environment. 

Prepare your learning environment is very simple to install JDK 6, then a similar UltraEdit, EditPlus text editor to configure your learning environment, Internet there are a lot of articles about how to configure. Beginners Java, is not recommended to use the IDE tools, line by line through the knock code, you will encounter many problems, the only way you can learn how to solve problems, and deepen their understanding of Java. 

Ready to start learning Java to enter the exciting mileage it! 

3 How to get started with Java-based study of the road? 

Although the hard process of learning more of Java, but everywhere there is wonderful! Learning process must remain single-minded mentality, between the languages ​​on the Internet "PK" are everywhere, do not be impetuous impact! Look for Java, you insist! To overcome the demons, your perseverance will eventually return. 

Java system into Java SE, Java EE and Java ME (JDK 5.0 were previously known as J2SE, J2EE and J2ME), Java is a stepping stone to Java SE, that is, you have to start learning the content, no matter which system you choose in future as the development of the field, you had to start from Java SE. 

Learn Java SE, Java-based lay; If you want to learn Java EE (sorry, I do not know Java ME, so I can not involve the Java ME-related content), for AWT, Swing is to learn it, I personally think that we should know the why, and especially its event handling model, I strongly recommend beginners must understand, not necessarily other specific development to fully master, after all, AWT, Swing, sufficient for several aspects of the book to the voluminous detailed description; course, if your job is to do the AWT, Swing development, it is another matter. 

I / O, Thread is one of the foundations. 

4. Java EE learning path 

Learning the Java SE, just complete the "Long March" first step. 

Next, choose to study Java EE or Java ME (or you want to continue in-depth learning Java SE, as long as you like, you can always go further, as I said before, I do not talked about learning Java ME); estimated Select the Java EE aspects of learners will be more, Java EE technology is very much involved, taking into account the acceptance of beginners, I will try from the perspective of the most commonly used to introduce. 

Learn Java EE, is not recommended in the development environment and then a text editor, I feel NetBeans 5.5 (currently the highest official version) is suitable for beginners, I also like NetBeans, if you prefer to use another IDE such as Eclipse, no problem, look at your favorite bar. 

4.1 learn JSP / Servlet 

Java EE is now up to version 5.0. 

In Java EE, the first to learn JSP / Servlet (with Tomcat, MySQL) technology, the proposed JSP1.2/2.X knowledge to be mastered, after all, many are still in with a system based on JSP1.2, learning JSP, must have some extension techniques, such as: you have to master the basics of HTML, the best re-mastered some JavaScript (AJAX technology currently one of normalizing), CSS technology, and XML is essential to understand (at least descriptive configuration information through XML to describe). Learn JSP / Servlet process, should be combined with learning JDBC, database development technologies, after all, the vast majority of Java Web and database projects are closely integrated. 

4.2 learning database development technologies 

I would like to say a few key database development technology, database technology is the prerequisite skills to do business, Java Web developer should master the minimum use of SQL statements! DBA database technology can be roughly divided into technology and database development technologies for development, it should focus on database development techniques, and basic operation of the database, but also to grasp. Common database with DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, etc., you can combine the practical needs, select a database, and make great efforts to master the development of technology. 

Remember, learning to learn database development technologies and Java EE, is relatively independent, you can learn JSP / Servlet, while learning database development techniques (such as SQL statements, etc.), or the first study database development techniques, after learning JSP / Servlet. 

Other developers to learn Java EE 4.3 technologies 

Beyond that, you can learn some knowledge of EJB, the latest version of the current EJB 3.0, and in front of their 2.X versions, are quite different, given the current EJB 2.X applications there is a great market, it is recommended with learning EJB 2.X/3.0. EJB in the process of learning, should be in control of both an enterprise-class application server to use (such as WebSphere, Weblogic, Sun Applcation Server or JBOSS, etc., is currently Sun Applcation Server 9.X and JBOSS can support EJB 3.0). 

After the study, and then gradually extended to other Java EE technologies. 

5 after 

Waiting for you some insights on the Java EE, you will naturally want to keep expanding your knowledge, this time you can learn Spring, Hibernate, and various Web frameworks (like Struts, JSF, Webwork or Tapestry, etc.). 

With the technology, experience is gained, you will gradually focus the analysis, design and other higher-level knowledge, this time, you can further study related to UML, patterns and other knowledge (gained some experience, you can arrange for their own learning these knowledge of). 

6 article Summary 

Always remember: from beginning to end, practice is the process of learning Java technology an extremely important part. Out of practice, is to learn good technique! 

Java learning, practical way is still no silver bullet, Moreover, step by step the way, many things to learn, hard work is gold! 

Good use of many resources on the Internet, drawing more jdwx than the experience of others. 

Currently a lot of controversy about Java, such as "Java is going downhill", "Ruby will replace Java" and so forth loud and clear, but as I said earlier, this is a fickle performance, Java's prospects are very good, especially Java open later! Let them go to the noisy, master Java, you have grasped the current hottest technologies. 

"Plum blossom from the bitter cold", when you already have a solid foundation of Java developers will be able to put in the hands of this "Tulong Dao," "Heavenly Sword" dance get water from the wind! At that time, you will certainly have a sense of accomplishment of. 

Through the above, you probably already know how to learn Java, right?

此文章借鉴“lee7788hao ”保存,违版联删。

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