
Stepping Number is an integer such that all of its adjacent digits have an absolute difference of exactly 1. For example, 321 is a Stepping Number while 421 is not.

Given two integers low and high, find and return a sorted list of all the Stepping Numbers in the range [low, high] inclusive.

Example 1:

Input: low = 0, high = 21
Output: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,21]


  • 0 <= low <= high <= 2 * 10^9

解题思路:如果x是一个Stepping Number,假设x的个位是y,那么x*10 + y - 1 (y-1 >=0) 和 x*10 + y + 1 (y+1<=9) 也是Stepping Number,根据这个规律把所有符合条件的数字求出来即可。


class Solution(object):
def countSteppingNumbers(self, low, high):
:type low: int
:type high: int
:rtype: List[int]
queue = range(0,10)
res = set()
while len(queue) > 0:
val = queue.pop(0)
if val >= low and val <= high:
last = int(str(val)[-1])
if last < 9:
new_val = int(str(val) + str(last+1))
if new_val <= high:
if last > 0:
new_val = int(str(val) + str(last-1))
if new_val <= high:
return sorted(list(res))

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