learning scala implicit class
- object ImplicitClass_Tutorial extends App {
- println("Step 1: How to define a case class to represent a Donut object")
- case class Donut(name: String, price: Double, productCode: Option[Long] = None)
- println("\nStep 2: How to create instances or objects for the Donut case class")
- val vanillaDonut: Donut = Donut("Vanilla", 1.50)
- println(s"Vanilla donut name = ${vanillaDonut.name}")
- println(s"Vanilla donut price = ${vanillaDonut.price}")
- println(s"Vanilla donut produceCode = ${vanillaDonut.productCode}")
- println("\nStep 3: How to define an implicit class to augment or extend the Donut object with a uuid field")
- object DonutImplicits{
- implicit class AugmentedDonut(donut: Donut) {
- def uuid: String = s"${donut.name} - ${donut.productCode.getOrElse(12345)}"
- }
- }
- println("\nStep 4: How to import and use the implicit class AugmentedDonut from Step 3")
- import DonutImplicits._
- println(s"Vanilla donut uuid = ${vanillaDonut.uuid}")
- }
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