
  1. 1. 要求用下面的格式制作目录, 结构如下:
  2. <ul>
  3. <li>xxxx</li>
  4. <li>xxxx</li>
  5. <ul>
  6. <li>xxxx</li>
  7. <li>xxxx</li>
  8. <ul>
  9. <li>xxxx</li>
  10. <li>xxxx</li>
  11. </ul>
  12. </ul>
  13. </ul>
  14. 2. 要求带锚点的, 要使用父节点ID+锚点做为链接

1. 后台返回的数据:

  1. const newDirList = [
  2. {
  3. "catalogId": 1,
  4. "catalogFid": 0,
  5. "catalogName": "目录",
  6. "child": [],
  7. "anchor": ""
  8. },
  9. {
  10. "catalogId": 2,
  11. "catalogFid": 0,
  12. "catalogName": "版权信息",
  13. "child": [],
  14. "anchor": ""
  15. },
  16. {
  17. "catalogId": 3,
  18. "catalogFid": 0,
  19. "catalogName": "第1章",
  20. "child": [
  21. {
  22. "catalogId": 301,
  23. "catalogFid": 3,
  24. "catalogName": "第1章第1节",
  25. "child": [
  26. {"catalogId": 30101, "catalogFid": 301, "catalogName": "第1章第1节第1段", "child": [], "anchor": ""},
  27. {"catalogId": 30102, "catalogFid": 301, "catalogName": "第1章第1节第2段", "child": [], "anchor": ""},
  28. {"catalogId": 30103, "catalogFid": 301, "catalogName": "第1章第1节第3段", "child": [], "anchor": ""},
  29. {"catalogId": 30104, "catalogFid": 301, "catalogName": "第1章第1节第4段", "child": [], "anchor": ""}
  30. ],
  31. "anchor": ""
  32. },
  33. {
  34. "catalogId": 302,
  35. "catalogFid": 3,
  36. "catalogName": "第1章第2节",
  37. "child": [
  38. {"catalogId": 30201, "catalogFid": 302, "catalogName": "第1章第2节第1段", "child": [], "anchor": "sec01"},
  39. {"catalogId": 30202, "catalogFid": 302, "catalogName": "第1章第2节第2段", "child": [], "anchor": "sec02"},
  40. {"catalogId": 30203, "catalogFid": 302, "catalogName": "第1章第2节第3段", "child": [], "anchor": "sec03"},
  41. {"catalogId": 30204, "catalogFid": 302, "catalogName": "第1章第2节第4段", "child": [], "anchor": "sec04"}
  42. ],
  43. "anchor": ""
  44. },
  45. {
  46. "catalogId": 303,
  47. "catalogFid": 3,
  48. "catalogName": "第1章第3节",
  49. "child": [],
  50. "anchor": ""
  51. },
  52. {
  53. "catalogId": 304,
  54. "catalogFid": 3,
  55. "catalogName": "第1章第4节",
  56. "child": [],
  57. "anchor": ""
  58. },
  59. {
  60. "catalogId": 305,
  61. "catalogFid": 3,
  62. "catalogName": "第1章第5节",
  63. "child": [],
  64. "anchor": ""
  65. }
  66. ],
  67. "anchor": ""
  68. },
  69. {
  70. "catalogId": 4,
  71. "catalogFid": 0,
  72. "catalogName": "第2章",
  73. "child": [],
  74. "anchor": ""
  75. },
  76. {
  77. "catalogId": 6,
  78. "catalogFid": 0,
  79. "catalogName": "后记",
  80. "child": [],
  81. "anchor": ""
  82. }
  83. ]

2. javaScrip:

  1. function genLi(name, catalogId, anchor, catalogFid) {
  2. return `
  3. <li>
  4. <a href="${anchor?catalogFid:catalogId}.xhtml${anchor?'#'+anchor:''}">${name}(${anchor?catalogFid:catalogId}.xhtml${anchor?'#'+anchor:''})</a>
  5. </li>
  6. `.trim();
  7. }
  8. function loopArray (arr) {
  9. let $ul = $('<ul>');
  10. arr.forEach(function(v){
  11. let $li = $(genLi(v.catalogName, v.catalogId, v.anchor, v.catalogFid));
  12. $ul.append($li);
  13. if (v.child && v.child.length) {
  14. $ul.append(loopArray(v.child));
  15. }
  16. });
  17. return $ul.get(0).outerHTML;
  18. }
  19. loopArray(newDirList);

3. 生成出的HTML代码:

  1. <ul>
  2. <li>
  3. <a href="1.xhtml">目录(1.xhtml)</a>
  4. </li>
  5. <li>
  6. <a href="2.xhtml">版权信息(2.xhtml)</a>
  7. </li>
  8. <li>
  9. <a href="3.xhtml">第1章(3.xhtml)</a>
  10. </li>
  11. <ul>
  12. <li>
  13. <a href="301.xhtml">第1章第1节(301.xhtml)</a>
  14. </li>
  15. <ul>
  16. <li>
  17. <a href="30101.xhtml">第1章第1节第1段(30101.xhtml)</a>
  18. </li>
  19. <li>
  20. <a href="30102.xhtml">第1章第1节第2段(30102.xhtml)</a>
  21. </li>
  22. <li>
  23. <a href="30103.xhtml">第1章第1节第3段(30103.xhtml)</a>
  24. </li>
  25. <li>
  26. <a href="30104.xhtml">第1章第1节第4段(30104.xhtml)</a>
  27. </li>
  28. </ul>
  29. <li>
  30. <a href="302.xhtml">第1章第2节(302.xhtml)</a>
  31. </li>
  32. <ul>
  33. <li>
  34. <a href="302.xhtml#sec01">第1章第2节第1段(302.xhtml#sec01)</a>
  35. </li>
  36. <li>
  37. <a href="302.xhtml#sec02">第1章第2节第2段(302.xhtml#sec02)</a>
  38. </li>
  39. <ul>
  40. <li>
  41. <a href="3020201.xhtml">第1章第2节第2段第1行(3020201.xhtml)</a>
  42. </li>
  43. <li>
  44. <a href="3020202.xhtml">第1章第2节第2段第2行(3020202.xhtml)</a>
  45. </li>
  46. <li>
  47. <a href="3020203.xhtml">第1章第2节第2段第3行(3020203.xhtml)</a>
  48. </li>
  49. <li>
  50. <a href="3020204.xhtml">第1章第2节第2段第4行(3020204.xhtml)</a>
  51. </li>
  52. </ul>
  53. <li>
  54. <a href="302.xhtml#sec03">第1章第2节第3段(302.xhtml#sec03)</a>
  55. </li>
  56. <li>
  57. <a href="302.xhtml#sec04">第1章第2节第4段(302.xhtml#sec04)</a>
  58. </li>
  59. </ul>
  60. <li>
  61. <a href="303.xhtml">第1章第3节(303.xhtml)</a>
  62. </li>
  63. <li>
  64. <a href="304.xhtml">第1章第4节(304.xhtml)</a>
  65. </li>
  66. <li>
  67. <a href="305.xhtml">第1章第5节(305.xhtml)</a>
  68. </li>
  69. </ul>
  70. <li>
  71. <a href="4.xhtml">第2章(4.xhtml)</a>
  72. </li>
  73. <li>
  74. <a href="6.xhtml">后记(6.xhtml)</a>
  75. </li>
  76. </ul>

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