【动态规划】Mathematical Curse
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 1e4+;
const int M = ;
const ll inf = 0x7fffffffffffffff;
ll dp[N][M][]; //0_ 最小值 ,1 最大值
ll a[N];
int main(){
int T;
int n,m,k;
char opt[M] ;
for( scanf("%d",&T) ; T ;T-- ){
for(int i=;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld",&a[i]);
scanf("%s",opt+); for(int i=;i<=n;i++){
for(int j=;j<=m;j++){
dp[i][j][] = inf ;
dp[i][j][] = -inf ;
} for(int i=;i<=n;i++){
dp[i][][] = dp[i][][] = k;
} for(int j=;j<=m;j++){
for(int i=;i<=n;i++){
if( i > j ){
dp[i][j][] = dp[i-][j][];
dp[i][j][] = dp[i-][j][];
} if( opt[j] =='+'){
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] + a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] + a[i] ); dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] + a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] + a[i] );
}else if( opt[j] == '-'){
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] - a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] - a[i] ); dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] - a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] - a[i] );
}else if( opt[j] == '*' ){
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] * a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] * a[i] ); dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] * a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] * a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] / a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = min( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] / a[i] ); dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] / a[i] );
dp[i][j][] = max( dp[i][j][] , dp[i-][j-][] / a[i] );
} printf("%lld\n",dp[n][m][]);
return ;
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