数据结构 《2》----基于邻接表表示的图的实现 DFS(递归和非递归), BFS
图通常有两种表示方法: 邻接矩阵 和 邻接表
struct Vertex{
ElementType element; //节点的名字
Edge *next; //所包含的边组成的单链表的头指针
struct Edge{
int adj; //节点的标号(0-number of nodes)
Edge *next;
最简单的方法就是 Hash(散列表),或者二叉查找树之类的能够快速提供查询的数据结构。
本文的处理较为简单: 节点的名字是 'a' ---- 'z', 所以映射通过简单的运算即可实现: node id = node name - 'a'.
- // copyright @ L.J.SHOU Jan.13, 2014
- #include "graph.h"
- #include <ctime>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <stack>
- #include <queue>
- using namespace std;
- typedef char ElementType;
- typedef Vertex* Graph;
- enum Color{WHITE, GRAY, BLACK};
- struct Edge
- {
- int vertex;
- int weight;
- Edge *next;
- };
- struct Vertex
- {
- Color color;
- ElementType element;
- int start, finish;
- Edge *next;//head of adjacent list
- };
- Graph Create(Graph graph, int n)
- {
- graph = new Vertex[n];
- for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- graph[i].color = WHITE;
- graph[i].element = i + 'a';
- graph[i].start = 0;
- graph[i].finish = 0;
- graph[i].next = NULL;
- }
- return graph;
- }
- // Reset Graph
- void Clear(Graph graph, int n)
- {
- for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- graph[i].color = WHITE;
- graph[i].start = 0;
- graph[i].finish = 0;
- }
- }
- Graph DeleteGraph(Graph graph, int n)
- {
- for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- Edge* head(graph[i].next), *next(NULL);
- while(head)
- {
- next = head->next;
- delete head;
- head = next;
- }
- }
- delete [] graph;
- return NULL;
- }
- // return the outdegree of vertex i
- int OutDegree(Graph g, int i)
- {
- int num(0);
- Edge* link(g[i].next);
- while(link)
- {
- link = link->next;
- ++ num;
- }
- return num;
- }
- // test whether edge(i, j) exists
- bool Exist(Graph g, int i, int j)
- {
- Edge *link(g[i].next);
- while(link && link->vertex != j)
- link = link->next;
- if(link == NULL)
- return false;
- else
- return true;
- }
- bool InsertEdge(Graph g, int i, int j)
- {
- if(Exist(g, i, j)){
- cout << "edge (" << i << "," << j << ") already existed" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- Edge *edge(NULL);
- edge = new struct Edge;
- edge->vertex = j;
- edge->next = g[i].next;
- g[i].next = edge;
- return true;
- }
- bool DeleteEdge(Graph g, int i, int j)
- {
- if(!Exist(g, i, j)){
- cout << "edge (" << i << "," << j << ") doesn't exist" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- Edge *cur(g[i].next), *pre(cur);
- while(cur && cur->vertex != j)
- {
- pre = cur;
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- if(pre == NULL)
- { // delete head edge
- g[i].next = cur->next;
- delete cur;
- }
- else
- {
- pre->next = cur->next;
- delete cur;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // print adjacent list
- void OutPut(Graph g, int n)
- {
- Edge *edge(NULL);
- for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- cout << g[i].element << "->";
- edge = g[i].next;
- while(edge)
- {
- cout << g[edge->vertex].element << "->";
- edge = edge->next;
- }
- cout << "NULL" << endl;
- }
- }
- void DFS(Graph graph, int n)
- {
- cout << "DFS: " << endl;;
- Clear(graph, n);
- for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- if(graph[i].color == WHITE)
- DFSVisit(graph, i);
- }
- cout << endl;
- cout << "DFS_stack: " << endl;
- Clear(graph, n);
- for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
- {
- if(graph[i].color == WHITE)
- DFSVisitStack(graph, i);
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- // recursive DFS
- void DFSVisit(Graph graph, int i)
- {
- static int time(0);
- Edge *link(graph[i].next);
- cout << graph[i].element << " ";
- graph[i].color = GRAY;
- graph[i].start = ++time;
- while(link)
- {
- if(graph[link->vertex].color == WHITE)
- DFSVisit(graph, link->vertex);
- link = link->next;
- }
- graph[i].finish = ++time;
- graph[i].color = BLACK;
- }
- // non-recursive DFS
- void DFSVisitStack(Graph g, int i)
- {
- static int time(0);
- struct Edge* edge;
- int vertex;
- stack<int> s;
- //visit vertex i
- cout << g[i].element << " ";
- g[i].color = GRAY;
- g[i].start = ++time;
- s.push(i);
- while(!s.empty())
- {
- vertex = s.top();
- edge = g[vertex].next;
- while(edge)
- {
- if(g[edge->vertex].color == WHITE)
- {
- s.push(edge->vertex);
- cout << g[edge->vertex].element << " ";
- g[edge->vertex].start = ++time;
- g[edge->vertex].color = GRAY;
- break;
- }
- edge = edge->next;
- }
- //vertex's neigbours have been visited
- if(edge == NULL){
- s.pop();
- g[vertex].color = BLACK;
- g[vertex].finish = ++time;
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // search all vertices that can be rearched from Source s ///
- // compute the distances from source s /// ///////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void BFS(Graph g, int n, int s)
- {
- queue<int> q;
- Edge *edge(NULL);
- int vertex;
- //visit source vertex
- Clear(g, n);
- cout << "BFS: " << endl;;
- cout << g[s].element << " ";
- g[s].color = GRAY;
- q.push(s);
- while(!q.empty())
- {
- //dequeue
- vertex = q.front();
- q.pop();
- //all the adjacent vertices
- edge = g[vertex].next;
- while(edge)
- {
- if(g[edge->vertex].color == WHITE){
- g[edge->vertex].color = GRAY;
- cout << g[edge->vertex].element << " ";
- //enqueue
- q.push(edge->vertex);
- }
- edge = edge->next;
- }
- g[vertex].color = BLACK;
- }//end of while
- cout << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Graph graph;
- int num_vertices = 8;
- graph = Create(graph, num_vertices);
- InsertEdge(graph,0,1);
- InsertEdge(graph,1,2);
- InsertEdge(graph,2,3);
- InsertEdge(graph,3,2);
- InsertEdge(graph,4,0);
- InsertEdge(graph,1,5);
- InsertEdge(graph,2,6);
- InsertEdge(graph,3,7);
- InsertEdge(graph,1,4);
- InsertEdge(graph,4,5);
- InsertEdge(graph,5,6);
- InsertEdge(graph,6,7);
- InsertEdge(graph,7,7);
- InsertEdge(graph,6,5);
- OutPut(graph, num_vertices);
- DFS(graph, num_vertices);
- BFS(graph, num_vertices, 0);
- graph = DeleteGraph(graph, num_vertices);
- return 0;
- }
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