Dreamweaver 扩展开发:文档路径等信息的处理
- //browseFile(fieldToStoreURL){
- //getFullPath(filePathURL){
- //getSimpleFileName() {
- //fixUpPath(docURL,siteURL,savedPath)
- //fileIsCurrentlyOpen(absoluteFileURL);
- //Invokes dialog to allow user to select filename. Puts value in text input.
- // The optional flag stripParameters will remove anything after a question
- // mark if it is set to true
- function browseFile(fieldToStoreURL, stripParameters) {
- var fileName = "";
- fileName = browseForFileURL(); //returns a local filename
- if (stripParameters) {
- var index = fileName.indexOf("?");
- if (index != -1) {
- fileName = fileName.substring(0,index);
- }
- }
- if (fileName) fieldToStoreURL.value = fileName;
- }
- //function: getFullPath
- //description: converts relative paths into full paths that start with
- //file:///
- //Why this is important: A user is prompted for a location to save
- //a file. Dreamweaver generates a path that is relative to the currently
- //opened document. If a developer tries to use this URL in DWfile, it will
- //not work because dreamweaver assumes the path to be relative to the
- //extension file. However, full paths will work
- //Note that this function sometimes returns a full path that is indirect:
- //For instance: file:///C|/MyWebSite/Hobbies/Cooking/.../Hobbies/Images/cake.gif
- //However, the user never sees this file path.
- //
- //Arguments:
- //filePathURL - doc-relative,site-relative, or absolute file path
- function getFullPath(filePathURL){
- var retVal = (filePathURL)?filePathURL:'';
- var docURL;
- var dotDotSlash;
- var inMiddle;
- if (retVal != ''){
- //if the document path is relative, for example,My Docs/My Schedule.htm
- //create an absolute path.
- if ( filePathURL.indexOf("file://")!=0 ){
- //if doc relative...
- if ( filePathURL.charAt(0)!="/" ){
- docURL = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM('document').URL;
- dotDotSlash = filePathURL.indexOf('../');
- while (dotDotSlash == 0){
- docURL = docURL.substring(0,docURL.lastIndexOf("/"));
- filePathURL = filePathURL.substring(3);
- dotDotSlash = filePathURL.indexOf('../');
- }
- retVal = docURL.substring(0,docURL.lastIndexOf("/")+1) + filePathURL;
- //else path is site relative...
- } else {
- retVal = dreamweaver.getSiteRoot() + filePathURL.substring(1);
- }
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //Returns the simple file name for the current document
- function getSimpleFileName() {
- var filePath = dreamweaver.getDocumentPath("document"); //get full path of file
- var lastSlash = filePath.lastIndexOf("/");
- if (lastSlash != -1) filePath = filePath.substring(lastSlash+1);
- return filePath;
- }
- // fixUpPath()
- // Given the location of the current document, the site root,
- // and the path to a file or folder (expressed as a file:// URL),
- // returns one of the following:
- // the file:// URL passed in, if the document has not been saved
- // the file:// URL passed in, if the document is not in the current site
- // a document-relative path, if the document has been saved in the current site
- function fixUpPath(docURL,siteURL,savedPath){
- var retVal = "";
- if (docURL == "" || (docURL != "" && savedPath.indexOf(dw.getSiteRoot()) == -1)){
- retVal = savedPath;
- }else{
- docURL = docURL.substring(0,docURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
- var endStr = (docURL.length > savedPath.length)?savedPath.length:docURL.length;
- var commonStr = "";
- for (var i=0; i < endStr; i++){
- if (docURL.charAt(i) == savedPath.charAt(i)){
- commonStr += docURL.charAt(i);
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- var whatsLeft = docURL.substring(commonStr.length);
- var slashPos = whatsLeft.indexOf('/');
- var slashCount = 0;
- var dotDotSlash = "";
- while (slashPos != -1){
- slashCount++;
- slashPos = whatsLeft.indexOf('/',slashPos+1);
- }
- for (var j=1; j <= slashCount; j++){
- dotDotSlash += '../';
- }
- retVal = dotDotSlash + savedPath.substring(commonStr.length);
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- // function: fileIsCurrentlyOpen
- // description: given a file path, determines if the file is currently open
- // argument: absoluteFilePath -- an absolute file path
- function fileIsCurrentlyOpen(absoluteFilePath) {
- var fileObj = dw.getDocumentDOM(absoluteFilePath);
- var openFilesArr = dw.getDocumentList();
- var fileIsOpen = false, nOpenFiles,i;
- // openFilesArr is an array of currently open document objects
- if (openFilesArr.length && openFilesArr.length > 0) {
- nOpenFiles = openFilesArr.length;
- for (i=0;i<nOpenFiles;i++) {
- if (fileObj == openFilesArr[i]) {
- fileIsOpen = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return fileIsOpen;
- }
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