





  1. #include<cstdio>
  2. #include<queue>
  3. #include<algorithm>
  4. using namespace std ;
  6. namespace DINIC {
  8. const int MAXVn = * + ;
  9. const int MAXEn = * + ;
  10. int Vn ;
  12. struct edge {
  13. int p ;
  14. int c ;
  15. edge * nxt ;
  16. edge * brother ;
  17. } ;
  19. edge E [ MAXEn * ] ;
  20. namespace E_SET { edge * T = E ; } ;
  21. edge * V [ MAXVn ] ;
  23. int S , T ;
  25. void add_edge ( const int a , const int b , const int f ) {
  26. using E_SET :: T ;
  27. T -> p = b ; T -> c = f ; T -> nxt = V [ a ] ; V [ a ] = T ++ ;
  28. T -> p = a ; T -> c = ; T -> nxt = V [ b ] ; V [ b ] = T ++ ;
  29. V [ a ] -> brother = V [ b ] ; V [ b ] -> brother = V [ a ] ;
  30. }
  32. edge * cur [ MAXVn ] ;
  33. int dis [ MAXVn ] ;
  35. bool bfs ( ) {
  36. queue < int > q ;
  37. fill ( dis , dis + Vn , - ) ;
  38. copy ( V , V + Vn , cur ) ;
  39. q . push ( S ) ; dis [ S ] = ;
  40. while ( ! q . empty () ) {
  41. const int o = q . front () ; q . pop () ;
  42. for ( edge * v = V [ o ] ; v != ; v = v -> nxt )
  43. if ( v -> c != && dis [ v -> p ] == - ) {
  44. dis [ v -> p ] = dis [ o ] + ;
  45. q . push ( v -> p ) ;
  46. }
  47. }
  48. return dis [ T ] != - ;
  49. }
  51. int dfs ( const int o , int flow ) {
  52. if ( o == T || flow == ) return flow ;
  53. int f , ans = ;
  54. for ( edge * & v = cur [ o ] ; v != ; v = v -> nxt )
  55. if ( dis [ o ] + == dis [ v -> p ] &&
  56. ( f = dfs ( v -> p , min ( flow , v -> c ) ) ) != ) {
  57. v -> c -= f ; v -> brother -> c += f ;
  58. ans += f ; flow -= f ;
  59. if ( flow == ) break ;
  60. }
  61. return ans ;
  62. }
  64. int dinic ( ) {
  65. int ans = ;
  66. while ( bfs ( ) ) ans += dfs ( S , << ) ;
  67. return ans ;
  68. }
  70. }
  72. int M , N ;
  73. int sum ;
  75. int main () {
  77. using namespace DINIC ;
  78. scanf ( "%d%d" , & N , & M ) ;
  79. Vn = M + N + ; //in && out && S && T
  80. S = ;
  81. T = ;
  83. #define WORK(a) ((a)+2)
  84. #define MACHINE(a) ((a)+N+2)
  86. for ( int i = ; i < N ; ++ i ) {
  87. int value_of_w , num_of_w ; scanf ( "%d%d" , & value_of_w , & num_of_w ) ;
  88. sum += value_of_w ;
  89. add_edge ( S , WORK(i) , value_of_w ) ;
  90. while ( num_of_w -- ) {
  91. int n , pay ;
  92. scanf ( "%d%d" , & n , & pay ) ;
  93. n -= ;
  94. add_edge ( WORK(i) , MACHINE(n) , pay ) ;
  95. }
  96. }
  97. for ( int i = ; i < M ; ++ i ) {
  98. int pay ; scanf ( "%d" , & pay ) ;
  99. add_edge ( MACHINE(i) , T , pay ) ;
  100. }
  102. #undef WORK
  103. #undef MACHINE
  105. printf ( "%d\n" , sum - dinic () ) ;
  107. return ;
  109. }

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