MIME Type Reference

  Content providers can return standard MIME media types, or custom MIME type strings, or both.


  MIME types have the format 标准MIME格式如下:


  For example, the well-known MIME type text/html has the text type and the html subtype. If the provider returns this type for a URI, it means that a query using that URI will return text containing HTML tags.

  Custom MIME type strings, also called "vendor-specific" MIME types, have more complex type and subtype values. The type value is always

  • vnd.android.cursor.dir for multiple rows,
  • vnd.android.cursor.item for a single row.

  The subtype is provider-specific. The Android built-in providers usually have a simple subtype. For example, when the Contacts application creates a row for a telephone number, it sets the following MIME type in the row:


  Notice that the subtype value is simply phone_v2.

  Other provider developers may create their own pattern of subtypes based on the provider's authority and table names. For example, consider a provider that contains train timetables. The provider's authority is com.example.trains, and it contains the tables Line1, Line2, and Line3.

In response to the content URI  for table Line1:


the provider returns the MIME type


In response to the content URI  for row 5 in table Line2:


the provider returns the MIME type



  Most content providers define contract class constants for the MIME types they use. The Contacts Provider contract class ContactsContract.RawContacts, for example, defines the constant CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE for the MIME type of a single raw contact row.

  Content URIs for single rows are described in the section Content URIs.


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