【shell】 for循环
for i in 1,3,4,6 ##有几个数就循环几次
echo $i
done for m in $( cat /root/num.log) ## /root/num.log有几行就循环几次
echo -e "$m \n" ##echo -e 才能识别“\n”
read -p "please input default name: " name
read -p "please input num of users: " num if [ ! -z "$name" -a ! -z "$num" ] ###需要注意的是!和 -z中间必须有空格
y=$(echo $num|sed 's/[0-9]//g') ##判断是否为纯整数
if [ -z $y ]
for ((i=1;i<=$num;i=i+1))
echo "add user $name_$i"
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