- package main
- import (
- "tbs"
- "fmt"
- )
- func main() {
- var ba *tbs.ByteArray = tbs.CreateByteArray([]byte{})
- ba.WriteBytes([]byte("abc"))
- ba.WriteByte('A')
- ba.WriteBool(true)
- ba.WriteBool(false)
- ba.WriteInt8()
- ba.WriteInt16()
- ba.WriteInt32()
- ba.WriteInt64()
- ba.WriteFloat32(123.456)
- ba.WriteFloat64(456.789)
- ba.WriteString("hello ")
- ba.WriteUTF("world!")
- bytes := make([]byte, )
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadBytes(bytes, , ))
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadByte())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadBool())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadBool())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadInt8())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadInt16())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadInt32())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadInt64())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadFloat32())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadFloat64())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadString())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadUTF())
- byte,err := ba.ReadByte()
- if err == nil{
- fmt.Println(byte)
- }else{
- fmt.Println("end of file")
- }
- ba.Seek() //back to 3
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadByte())
- ba.Seek() //back to 39
- fmt.Printf("ba has %d bytes available!\n", ba.Available())
- fmt.Println(ba.ReadUTF())
- }
- package tbs
- import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "io"
- )
- type ByteArray struct {
- buf []byte
- posWrite int
- posRead int
- endian binary.ByteOrder
- }
- var ByteArrayEndian binary.ByteOrder = binary.BigEndian
- func CreateByteArray(bytes []byte) *ByteArray {
- var ba *ByteArray
- if len(bytes) > {
- ba = &ByteArray{buf: bytes}
- } else {
- ba = &ByteArray{}
- }
- ba.endian = binary.BigEndian
- return ba
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) Length() int {
- return len(this.buf)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) Available() int {
- return this.Length() - this.posRead
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) SetEndian(endian binary.ByteOrder) {
- this.endian = endian
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) GetEndian() binary.ByteOrder {
- if this.endian == nil {
- return ByteArrayEndian
- }
- return this.endian
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) grow(l int) {
- if l == {
- return
- }
- space := len(this.buf) - this.posWrite
- if space >= l {
- return
- }
- needGrow := l - space
- bufGrow := make([]byte, needGrow)
- this.buf = Merge(this.buf, bufGrow)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) SetWritePos(pos int) error{
- if pos > this.Length(){
- this.posWrite = this.Length()
- return io.EOF
- }else{
- this.posWrite = pos
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) SetWriteEnd(){
- this.SetWritePos(this.Length())
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) GetWritePos() int{
- return this.posWrite
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) SetReadPos(pos int) error{
- if pos > this.Length(){
- this.posRead = this.Length()
- return io.EOF
- }else{
- this.posRead = pos
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) SetReadEnd(){
- this.SetReadPos(this.Length())
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) GetReadPos() int{
- return this.posRead
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) Seek(pos int) error{
- err := this.SetWritePos(pos)
- this.SetReadPos(pos)
- return err
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) Reset() {
- this.buf = []byte{}
- this.Seek()
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) Bytes() []byte {
- return this.buf
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) BytesAvailable() []byte {
- return this.buf[this.posRead:]
- }
- //==========write
- func (this *ByteArray) Write(bytes []byte) (l int, err error) {
- this.grow(len(bytes))
- l = copy(this.buf[this.posWrite:], bytes)
- this.posWrite += l
- return l, nil
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteBytes(bytes []byte) (l int, err error) {
- return this.Write(bytes)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteByte(b byte) {
- bytes := make([]byte, )
- bytes[] = b
- this.WriteBytes(bytes)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteInt8(value int8) {
- binary.Write(this, this.endian, &value)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteInt16(value int16){
- binary.Write(this, this.endian, &value)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteInt32(value int32){
- binary.Write(this, this.endian, &value)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteInt64(value int64){
- binary.Write(this, this.endian, &value)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteFloat32(value float32){
- binary.Write(this, this.endian, &value)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteFloat64(value float64){
- binary.Write(this, this.endian, &value)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteBool(value bool){
- var bb byte
- if value {
- bb =
- } else {
- bb =
- }
- this.WriteByte(bb)
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteString(value string){
- this.WriteBytes([]byte(value))
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) WriteUTF(value string){
- this.WriteInt16(int16(len(value)))
- this.WriteBytes([]byte(value))
- }
- //==========read
- func (this *ByteArray) Read(bytes []byte) (l int, err error){
- if len(bytes) == {
- return
- }
- if len(bytes) > this.Length() - this.posRead{
- return , io.EOF
- }
- l = copy(bytes, this.buf[this.posRead:])
- this.posRead += l
- return l, nil
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadBytes(bytes []byte, length int, offset int) (l int, err error){
- return this.Read(bytes[offset:offset + length])
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadByte() (b byte, err error){
- bytes := make([]byte, )
- _, err = this.ReadBytes(bytes, , )
- if err == nil{
- b = bytes[]
- }
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadInt8() (ret int8, err error){
- err = binary.Read(this, this.endian, &ret)
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadInt16() (ret int16, err error){
- err = binary.Read(this, this.endian, &ret)
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadInt32() (ret int32, err error){
- err = binary.Read(this, this.endian, &ret)
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadInt64() (ret int64, err error){
- err = binary.Read(this, this.endian, &ret)
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadFloat32() (ret float32, err error){
- err = binary.Read(this, this.endian, &ret)
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadFloat64() (ret float64, err error){
- err = binary.Read(this, this.endian, &ret)
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadBool() (ret bool, err error){
- var bb byte
- bb, err = this.ReadByte()
- if err == nil{
- if bb == {
- ret = true
- } else {
- ret = false
- }
- }else{
- ret = false
- }
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadString(length int) (ret string, err error){
- bytes := make([]byte, length)
- _, err = this.ReadBytes(bytes, length, )
- if err == nil{
- ret = string(bytes)
- }else{
- ret = "";
- }
- return
- }
- func (this *ByteArray) ReadUTF() (ret string, err error){
- var l int16
- l, err = this.ReadInt16()
- if err != nil{
- return "", err
- }
- return this.ReadString(int(l))
- }
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