ASP.NET 委托,异步调用例子 .
3.调用 BeginInvoke 和 EndInvoke 方法。
3.1. BeginInvoke 方法用于启动异步调用。它与需要异步执行的方法具有相同的参数,
只不过还有两个额外的参数。BeginInvoke 立即返回,不等待异步调用完成。
BeginInvoke 返回 IasyncResult,可用于监视调用进度。
3.2. EndInvoke 方法用于检索异步调用结果。调用 BeginInvoke 后可随时调用 EndInvoke 方法;
如果异步调用未完成,EndInvoke 将一直阻塞到异步调用完成。
EndInvoke 的参数包括需要异步执行的方法的 out 和 ref 参数以及由 BeginInvoke 返回的 IAsyncResult。
3.3.调用了 BeginInvoke 后,可以:
* 进行某些操作,然后调用 EndInvoke 一直阻塞到调用完成。
* 使用 IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle 获取 WaitHandle,使用它的 WaitOne 方法将执行一直阻塞到发出 WaitHandle 信号,然后调用 EndInvoke。
* 轮询由 BeginInvoke 返回的 IAsyncResult,确定异步调用何时完成,然后调用 EndInvoke。
* 将用于回调方法的委托传递给 BeginInvoke。该方法在异步调用完成后在 ThreadPool 线程上执行,它可以调用 EndInvoke。
using System;
using System.Threading;
//The example of using delegate
namespace DelegateCallAsynchronousMethods
class AsyncFileDelegate
public void CopyFile(String fileName, out bool result)
Console.WriteLine("Move file "+fileName+"...");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Move file is running..." + i);
Console.WriteLine("Move file finished");
result = true;
public delegate void CopyFileDelegate(String fileName, out bool result);//Declare copy file delegate
static void Main()
bool result;
AsyncFileDelegate aa = new AsyncFileDelegate();
// 开始委托方法,以后都由copyFile这个变量来做事
CopyFileDelegate copyFile = new CopyFileDelegate(aa.CopyFile);
Console.WriteLine("[Main] Invoking the asynchronous "+" Copy file method");
IAsyncResult iAR = copyFile.BeginInvoke("songlin.txt", out result, null, null);
// 主方法不用等待COPY FILE方法,继续自己的事情
Console.WriteLine("[Main] Doing other work");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("[Main]MainMethod is running..."+i);
Console.WriteLine(" [Main] Waiting for file transformation to finish");
/* 主方法自己的事情做完,开始检查COPYFILE有没有完成。
* 使用它的 WaitOne 方法将执行一直等到发出 WaitHandle 信号,然后调用 EndInvoke。
* 注意:异步调用完成时会发出 WaitHandle 信号,可以通过WaitOne 来等待它*/
Console.WriteLine("[Main] Copy file finished, cleaning up");
/* EndInvoke 方法用于检索异步调用结果。调用 BeginInvoke 后可随时调用 EndInvoke 方法;
* 如果异步调用未完成,EndInvoke 将一直阻塞到异步调用完成。
copyFile.EndInvoke(out result, iAR);
Console.WriteLine("[Main] The result is {0}", result);
[Main] Invoking the asynchronous Copy file method
[Main] Doing other work
Move file songlin.txt...
[Main]MainMethod is running...0
Move file is running...0
[Main]MainMethod is running...1
Move file is running...1
[Main]MainMethod is running...2
Move file is running...2
[Main]MainMethod is running...3
Move file is running...3
[Main]MainMethod is running...4
Move file is running...4
[Main]MainMethod is running...5
Move file is running...5
[Main]MainMethod is running...6
Move file is running...6
[Main]MainMethod is running...7
Move file is running...7
[Main]MainMethod is running...8
Move file is running...8
[Main]MainMethod is running...9
[Main] Waiting for file transformation to finish
Move file is running...9
Move file finished
[Main] Copy file finished, cleaning up
[Main] The result is True
namespace WindowsApplication2
public class AsyncFileCopy
//Declare copy file delegate, will use this to invoke real copy file method
public delegate string CopyFileDelegate(int fileSize);
//The real file copy method, we simulate file copy with thread sleep
public String CopyFile(int fileSize)
switch (fileSize)
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("File 1 copy start...");
Console.WriteLine("File 1 copy finished");
return "One";
case 2:
Console.WriteLine("File 2 copy Start...");
Console.WriteLine("File 2 copy Finished");
return "Two";
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("File 3 copy Start...");
Console.WriteLine("File 3 copy Finished");
return "Three";
return "default";
public void ExecuteCopy()
List<WaitHandle> list = new List<WaitHandle>();
Console.WriteLine("Main method Start");
//Init coyp file delegate
CopyFileDelegate dlg = new CopyFileDelegate(CopyFile);
//Assume we have 4 different size files.
//Section below will let each file be copied in Async model
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
//Let copy file executed in Async model, main thread continue
IAsyncResult ar = dlg.BeginInvoke(i, null, null);
Console.WriteLine("Main method still working" + i);
Thread.Sleep(10);//simulate main method cost some time
//Ensure all Async method finished before return from main method
Console.WriteLine("Main method finished");
public static void Main(string[] args)
AsyncFileCopy test = new AsyncFileCopy();
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