FINDPEAKS Find local peaks in data

PKS = FINDPEAKS(X) finds local peaks in the data vector X. A local peak
is defined as a data sample which is either larger than the two
neighboring samples or is equal to Inf.

[PKS,LOCS]= FINDPEAKS(X) also returns the indices LOCS at which the
peaks occur.

[...] = FINDPEAKS(X,'MINPEAKHEIGHT',MPH) finds only those peaks that
are greater than MINPEAKHEIGHT MPH. Specifying a minimum peak height
may help in reducing the processing time. MPH is a real valued scalar.
The default value of MPH is -Inf.

[...] = FINDPEAKS(X,'MINPEAKDISTANCE',MPD) finds peaks that are at
least separated by MINPEAKDISTANCE MPD. MPD is a positive integer
valued scalar. This parameter may be specified to ignore smaller peaks
that may occur in close proximity to a large local peak. For example,
if a large local peak occurs at index N, then all smaller peaks in the
range (N-MPD, N+MPD) are ignored. If not specified, MPD is assigned a
value of one.

[...] = FINDPEAKS(X,'THRESHOLD',TH)finds peaks that are at least
greater than their neighbors by the THRESHOLD TH. TH is real valued
scalar greater than or equal to zero. The default value of TH is zero.

[...] = FINDPEAKS(X,'NPEAKS',NP) specifies the maximum number of peaks
to be found. NP is an integer greater than zero. If not specified, all
peaks are returned.

[...] = FINDPEAKS(X,'SORTSTR',STR) specifies the direction of sorting
of peaks. STR can take values of 'ascend','descend' or 'none'. If not
specified, STR takes the value of 'none' and the peaks are returned in
the order of their occurrence.

See also dspdata.findpeaks

Overloaded methods:

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