There are two ways to conduct BFS on tree.

Solution 1 -- Given level

Use recursion to find given level, and print.

/*Function to print level order traversal of tree*/
for d = 1 to height(tree)
printGivenLevel(tree, d); /*Function to print all nodes at a given level*/
printGivenLevel(tree, level)
if tree is NULL then return;
if level is 1, then
else if level greater than 1, then
printGivenLevel(tree->left, level-1);
printGivenLevel(tree->right, level-1);

Solution 2 -- Queue

For each node, first the node is visited and then it’s child nodes are put in a FIFO queue.

1) Create an empty queue q
2) temp_node = root /*start from root*/
3) Loop while temp_node is not NULL
a) print temp_node->data.
b) Enqueue temp_node’s children (first left then right children) to q
c) Dequeue a node from q and assign it’s value to temp_node

Reference: Level Order Tree Traversal

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