Shared strings do not have tail-allocated storage, but can provide access upon query to contiguous UTF-8 code units. Lazily-bridged NSStrings capable of providing access to contiguous ASCII/UTF-8 set the ObjC bit. Accessing shared string's pointer should always be behind a resilience barrier, permitting future evolution.

字符串数据没有从内部_object处起始,但是可以获取连续的 utf-8 code unit。


在 OC runtime下,是 NSString 子类

子类化 NSString

#if _runtime(_ObjC)

final internal var length: Int {
@_effects(readonly) get {
return asString.utf16.count // UTF16View special-cases ASCII for us.
final internal func character(at offset: Int) -> UInt16 {
let str = asString
return str.utf16[str._toUTF16Index(offset)]
} @objc(getCharacters:range:)
final internal func getCharacters(
_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>, range aRange: _SwiftNSRange
) {
_getCharacters(buffer, aRange)

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