High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters(二)
- if features.hog,
- %HOG features, from Piotr's Toolbox
- x = double(fhog(single(im) / 255, cell_size, features.hog_orientations));
- x(:,:,end) = []; %remove all-zeros channel ("truncation feature")
- %将矩阵x的第三维最后一个组数据删除
- end
- if features.gray,
- %gray-level (scalar feature)
- x = double(im) / 255;
- x = x - mean(x(:));
- end
- N = size(xf,1) * size(xf,2);
- xx = xf(:)' * xf(:) / N; %squared norm of x
- yy = yf(:)' * yf(:) / N; %squared norm of y
- %cross-correlation term in Fourier domain
- xyf = xf .* conj(yf);
- xy = sum(real(ifft2(xyf)), 3); %to spatial domain
- %calculate gaussian response for all positions, then go back to the
- %Fourier domain
- kf = fft2(exp(-1 / sigma^2 * max(0, (xx + yy - 2 * xy) / numel(xf))));
对于linear kernel
- kf = sum(xf .* conj(yf), 3) / numel(xf);
对于polynomial kernel
- 1 xyf = xf .* conj(yf);
- xy = sum(real(ifft2(xyf)), 3); %to spatial domain
- %calculate polynomial response for all positions, then go back to the
- %Fourier domain
- kf = fft2((xy / numel(xf) + a) .^ b);
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