#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
#include "ace/Configuration.h"
#include "ace/Configuration_Import_Export.h"
#include "ace/Get_Opt.h"
#include "ace/Log_Msg.h"
#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"
#include "ace/Service_Object.h" class HA_Status: public ACE_Service_Object
virtual int init(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]); private:
ACE_INET_Addr listen_addr_;
}; int HA_Status::init(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
// Listing 1 code/ch04 // define the valid options, A colon following an option letter means
// the options requires an arguemnt. Use a double colon if the argument
// is optional. examp: "a:b:cd::e" has "-a ,-b , -c ,-d, -e".
static const ACE_TCHAR options[] = ACE_TEXT(":f:");
ACE_Get_Opt cmd_opts(argc, argv, options); // use the long_option()method to equate a long option string
// with one of the short options;
if (cmd_opts.long_option(ACE_TEXT("config"),'f', ACE_Get_Opt::ARG_REQUIRED) == -1)
return -1; int option;
ACE_OS::strcpy(config_file, ACE_TEXT("HAStatus.conf")); // Use operator() (or the get_opt() method) to iterate through the
// command line options.It returns the short option character when
// located, and the short option equivalent when a long option is processed.
// operator() returns EOF when all the options have been processed.
while((option = cmd_opts()) != EOF)
switch (option) {
case 'f':
// The option's argument is accessed via the opt_arg() method.
case ':':
//If it is a ':',get_opt() return a ':' when a required argument is missing.
ACE_TEXT("-%c requires an argument\n"),
cmd_opts.opt_opt()), -1);
ACE_ERROR_RETURN((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("Parse error.\n")), -1); }
// Listint 1 // Listint 2 code/ch04
ACE_Configuration_Heap config;
if (config.open() == -1)
ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("config")), -1); ACE_Registry_ImpExp config_importer(config);
if (config_importer.import_config(config_file) == -1)
ACE_ERROR_RETURN((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("%p\n"), config_file), -1); ACE_Configuration_Section_Key status_section;
if (config.open_section(config.root_section(),
status_section) == -1)
ACE_TEXT("Can't open HAStatus sections")),
-1); u_int status_port;
if (config.get_integer_value(status_section,
status_port) == -1)
ACE_ERROR_RETURN((LM_ERROR, "HAStatus ListenPort does not exist\n"), -1); this->listen_addr_.set(static_cast<u_short> (status_port)); return 0; } int ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
HA_Status status;
status.init(argc, argv);
return 0;
} /* ACE_Get_Opt (int argc,
ACE_TCHAR **argv,
const ACE_TCHAR *optstring,
int skip_args = 1,
int report_error = 0,
int ordering = PERMUTE_ARGS,
int long_only = 0); # 1.start parsing at an arbitrary index
ACE_Get_Opt can be directed to start processing the argument vector at an
arbi- trary point specified by the skip_args parameter.
The default value is 1, which causes ACE_Get_Opt to skip argv[0]
(traditionally, the program name) when parsing a command line passed to
main(). When using ACE_Get_Opt to parse options received when initializing
a dynamic service skip_args is often specified as 0, because arguments
passed to services initialized via the ACE Service Configurator framework
start in argv[0]. # 2.Report errors while parsing
By default, ACE_Get_Opt is silent about parsing errors; it simply returns
the appropriate value from operator() (or the get_opt() method), allowing
your application to handle and report errors in the most sensible way. If,
however, you’d rather have ACE_Get_Opt display an error message when it
detects an error in the specified argument vector, the constructor’s
report_errors argu- ment should be non-zero. In this case, ACE_Get_Opt will
use ACE_ERROR with the LM_ERROR severity to report the error. # 3.Alternate long option specification
If "W" is included in the options definitions string, ACE_Get_Opt treats -W
similarly to --. For example, -W foo will be parsed the same as --foo. This
can be useful when manipulating argument vectors to change parameters into
long options by inserting an element with -W instead of inserting -- on an
existing element. # 4.About argument ordering
Some applications require you to specify all options at the beginning of
the command line, while others allow you to mix options and other non-option
tokens (such as file names). ACE_Get_Opt supports selection of use cases
defined by enumerators defined in ACE_Get_Opt. ## 1.ACE_Get_Opt::PERMUTE_ARGS: As the argument vector is parsed, the elements
are dynamically rearranged so that those with valid options(and their arguments)
appear at the front of the argument vector, in their original relative ordering.
Non-option elements are placed after the option elements. They can be processed
by some other part of your system, or processed as known non-options. When
operator() returns EOF to indicate the end of options, opt_ind() returns the
index to the first non-option element in the argumet vector. ## 2.ACE_Get_Opt::REQUIRED_ORDER: The argument vector is not reordered and all
options and their their arguments must be at the front of the argument vector.
If a non-option element is encountered, operator() returns EOF; opt_ind()
returns the index of the non-option element. (What is the non-option element?) ## 3.ACE_Get_Opt::RETURN_IN_ORDER: The argument vector is not reordered. Any
non-option element causes operator() to return 1 and the actual element is accessible
via the opt_arg() method. This mode is useful for situations in which options
and other arguments can be specified in any order and in which the relative
ordering makes a difference. This is a situation where it may be useful to parse
options, examine non-options, and and continue parsing after the non-options using
the skip_args argument to specify the new starting point. ## The other two method to change the argument order
1. If the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is set, the ordering mode is set
2. A + or - character at the beginning of the options string. + changes the
ordering mode to REQUIRE_ORDER; - changes it to RETURN_IN_ORDER. If both are at
the start of the options string, the last ont is used. # 5.Long optins only
If the long_only parameter to the ACE_Get_Opt constructor is non-zero, command
line tokens that begin with a single - are checked as long options. For example,
if the long_only argument were set to 1, the user could type either --config
or -config. */ /*
# ACE_Configuration is a class that defines the configuration interface for the
following two classes available for accessing and manipulating configuration
## 1. ACE_Configuration_Heap is available on all platforms. It keeps all information
in memory. The memory allocation can be customized to use a persistent backing
store, but the most common use is with dynamically-allocated heap memory. ## 2. ACE_Configuration_Win32Registry is available only on Windows. It implements
the ACE_Configuration interface to access and manipulate information in the
Windows registry. # Configuration data is organized hierarchically in sections, analogous to a
filesystem directory tree. Each configuration object contains a root section
that has no name, similar to the filesystem root in UNIX.All other sections
are created hierar- chically beneath the root section and are named by the
application. Sections can be nested to an arbitrary depth. # Configuration Backing Stores
## 1. ACE_Registry_ImpExp uses a text format that includes type information with
each value. This allows type information to be preserved across export/import,
even on machines with different byte orders. ## 2. ACE_Ini_ImpExp uses the older Windows "INI" file format which does not
have type information associated with the values. Therefore, configuration data
exported using ACE_Ini_ImpExp is always imported as string data, regardless of
the original type. */


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