【LeetCode】833. Find And Replace in String 解题报告(Python)

标签(空格分隔): LeetCode

作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



To some string S, we will perform some replacement operations that replace groups of letters with new ones (not necessarily the same size).

Each replacement operation has 3 parameters: a starting index i, a source word x and a target word y. The rule is that if x starts at position i in the original string S, then we will replace that occurrence of x with y. If not, we do nothing.

For example, if we have S = “abcd” and we have some replacement operation i = 2, x = “cd”, y = “ffff”, then because “cd” starts at position 2 in the original string S, we will replace it with “ffff”.

Using another example on S = “abcd”, if we have both the replacement operation i = 0, x = “ab”, y = “eee”, as well as another replacement operation i = 2, x = “ec”, y = “ffff”, this second operation does nothing because in the original string S[2] = ‘c’, which doesn’t match x[0] = ‘e’.

All these operations occur simultaneously. It’s guaranteed that there won’t be any overlap in replacement: for example, S = "abc", indexes = [0, 1], sources = ["ab","bc"] is not a valid test case.

Example 1:

Input: S = "abcd", indexes = [0,2], sources = ["a","cd"], targets = ["eee","ffff"]
Output: "eeebffff"
Explanation: "a" starts at index 0 in S, so it's replaced by "eee".
"cd" starts at index 2 in S, so it's replaced by "ffff".

Example 2:

Input: S = "abcd", indexes = [0,2], sources = ["ab","ec"], targets = ["eee","ffff"]
Output: "eeecd"
Explanation: "ab" starts at index 0 in S, so it's replaced by "eee".
"ec" doesn't starts at index 2 in the original S, so we do nothing.


  • 0 <= indexes.length = sources.length = targets.length <= 100
  • 0 < indexes[i] < S.length <= 1000
  • All characters in given inputs are lowercase letters.










class Solution(object):
def findReplaceString(self, S, indexes, sources, targets):
:type S: str
:type indexes: List[int]
:type sources: List[str]
:type targets: List[str]
:rtype: str
ans = ""
i = 0
while i < len(S):
if i not in indexes:
ans += S[i]
i += 1
ind = indexes.index(i)
source = sources[ind]
target = targets[ind]
part = S[i : i + len(source)]
if part == source:
ans += target
ans += part
i += len(source)
return ans


2018 年 7 月 18 日 ———— 现在需要的还是夯实基础,算法和理论

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