【LeetCode】887. Super Egg Drop 解题报告(Python)
作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/
You are given K
eggs, and you have access to a building with N
floors from 1
to N
Each egg is identical in function, and if an egg breaks, you cannot drop it again.
You know that there exists a floor F
with 0 <= F <= N
such that any egg dropped at a floor higher than F
will break, and any egg dropped at or below floor F
will not break.
Each move, you may take an egg (if you have an unbroken one) and drop it from any floor X
(with 1 <= X <= N
Your goal is to know with certainty what the value of F
What is the minimum number of moves that you need to know with certainty what F
is, regardless of the initial value of F
Example 1:
Input: K = 1, N = 2
Output: 2
Drop the egg from floor 1. If it breaks, we know with certainty that F = 0.
Otherwise, drop the egg from floor 2. If it breaks, we know with certainty that F = 1.
If it didn't break, then we know with certainty F = 2.
Hence, we needed 2 moves in the worst case to know what F is with certainty.
Example 2:
Input: K = 2, N = 6
Output: 3
Example 3:
Input: K = 3, N = 14
Output: 4
1 <= K <= 100
1 <= N <= 10000
这个题已经超出了我的能力范围了,不过有个师兄的文章写的超级好,对这个题分析了1万多字,可以在这里看到:【直观算法】Egg Puzzle 鸡蛋难题。
class Solution:
def superEggDrop(self, K, N):
:type K: int
:type N: int
:rtype: int
h, m = N, K
if h < 1 and m < 1: return 0
t = math.floor( math.log2( h ) ) + 1
if m >= t: return t
g = [ 1 for i in range(m + 1) ]
g[0] = 0
if g[m] >= h: return 1
elif h == 1: return h
for i in range(2, h + 1):
for j in range( m, 1, -1):
g[j] = g[j - 1] + g[j] + 1
if j == m and g[j] >= h:
return i
g[1] = i
if m == 1 and g[1] >= h:
return i
2018 年 11 月 7 日 —— 天冷加衣!
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