
  1. public String getInputMessage() throws IOException...{
  2. System.out.println("请输入您的命令∶");
  3. byte buffer[]=new byte[1024];
  4. int count=System.in.read(buffer);
  5. char[] ch=new char[count-2];//最后两位为结束符,删去不要
  6. for(int i=0;i<count-2;i++)
  7. ch[i]=(char)buffer[i];
  8. String str=new String(ch);
  9. return str;
  10. }



  1. public void copyFile(String src,String dest) throws IOException...{
  2. FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream(src);
  3. File file=new File(dest);
  4. if(!file.exists())
  5. file.createNewFile();
  6. FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(file);
  7. int c;
  8. byte buffer[]=new byte[1024];
  9. while((c=in.read(buffer))!=-1)...{
  10. for(int i=0;i<c;i++)
  11. out.write(buffer[i]);
  12. }
  13. in.close();
  14. out.close();
  15. }




  1. public void PrintStreamDemo()...{
  2. try ...{
  3. FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream("D:/test.txt");
  4. PrintStream p=new PrintStream(out);
  5. for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  6. p.println("This is "+i+" line");
  7. } catch (FileNotFoundException e) ...{
  8. e.printStackTrace();
  9. }
  10. }


  1. public void StringBufferDemo() throws IOException......{
  2. File file=new File("/root/sms.log");
  3. if(!file.exists())
  4. file.createNewFile();
  5. FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(file,true);
  6. for(int i=0;i<10000;i++)......{
  7. StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
  8. sb.append("这是第"+i+"行:前面介绍的各种方法都不关用,为什么总是奇怪的问题 ");
  9. out.write(sb.toString().getBytes("utf-8"));
  10. }
  11. out.close();
  12. }



  1. public void renameFile(String path,String oldname,String newname)...{
  2. if(!oldname.equals(newname))...{//新的文件名和以前文件名不同时,才有必要进行重命名
  3. File oldfile=new File(path+"/"+oldname);
  4. File newfile=new File(path+"/"+newname);
  5. if(newfile.exists())//若在该目录下已经有一个文件和新文件名相同,则不允许重命名
  6. System.out.println(newname+"已经存在!");
  7. else...{
  8. oldfile.renameTo(newfile);
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }


  1. public void changeDirectory(String filename,String oldpath,String newpath,boolean cover)...{
  2. if(!oldpath.equals(newpath))...{
  3. File oldfile=new File(oldpath+"/"+filename);
  4. File newfile=new File(newpath+"/"+filename);
  5. if(newfile.exists())...{//若在待转移目录下,已经存在待转移文件
  6. if(cover)//覆盖
  7. oldfile.renameTo(newfile);
  8. else
  9. System.out.println("在新目录下已经存在:"+filename);
  10. }
  11. else...{
  12. oldfile.renameTo(newfile);
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }


  1. public String FileInputStreamDemo(String path) throws IOException...{
  2. File file=new File(path);
  3. if(!file.exists()||file.isDirectory())
  4. throw new FileNotFoundException();
  5. FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(file);
  6. byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
  7. StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
  8. while((fis.read(buf))!=-1)...{
  9. sb.append(new String(buf));
  10. buf=new byte[1024];//重新生成,避免和上次读取的数据重复
  11. }
  12. return sb.toString();
  13. }



  1. public String BufferedReaderDemo(String path) throws IOException...{
  2. File file=new File(path);
  3. if(!file.exists()||file.isDirectory())
  4. throw new FileNotFoundException();
  5. BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
  6. String temp=null;
  7. StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
  8. temp=br.readLine();
  9. while(temp!=null)...{
  10. sb.append(temp+" ");
  11. temp=br.readLine();
  12. }
  13. return sb.toString();
  14. }


  1. public Document readXml(String path) throws DocumentException, IOException...{
  2. File file=new File(path);
  3. BufferedReader bufferedreader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
  4. SAXReader saxreader = new SAXReader();
  5. Document document = (Document)saxreader.read(bufferedreader);
  6. bufferedreader.close();
  7. return document;
  8. }



  1. public void createDir(String path)...{
  2. File dir=new File(path);
  3. if(!dir.exists())
  4. dir.mkdir();
  5. }


  1. public void createFile(String path,String filename) throws IOException...{
  2. File file=new File(path+"/"+filename);
  3. if(!file.exists())
  4. file.createNewFile();
  5. }


  1. public void delFile(String path,String filename)...{
  2. File file=new File(path+"/"+filename);
  3. if(file.exists()&&file.isFile())
  4. file.delete();
  5. }



  1. public void delDir(String path)...{
  2. File dir=new File(path);
  3. if(dir.exists())...{
  4. File[] tmp=dir.listFiles();
  5. for(int i=0;i<tmp.length;i++)...{
  6. if(tmp[i].isDirectory())...{
  7. delDir(path+"/"+tmp[i].getName());
  8. }
  9. else...{
  10. tmp[i].delete();
  11. }
  12. }
  13. dir.delete();
  14. }
  15. }


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