Dynamics 365 for Team Members, Business edition The Dynamics 365 for Team Members, Business edition license is a named user subscription that enables customers to execute basic business processes and share knowledge across an organization.
A single Team Members, Business edition subscription includes all the light use scenarios from within Dynamics 365, Business edition applications. When a customer adds additional Dynamics 365, Business edition applications, no additional Team Members subscription purchases are required for existing Team Members users.

Dynamics 365 for Team Members, Business edition also includes the “PowerApps for Dynamics 365 Applications” license. Team Members users can use PowerApps to access Dynamics 365 within the bounds of their Team Members license.
Dynamics 365 for Team Members, Business edition requires that at least one other user be licensed with Dynamics 365 for Financials.
Dynamics 365 for Team Members, Business edition users can do the following:
 Read anything that’s enabled in Financials or any other Dynamics 365 Application
 Update existing data and entries in Financials - Existing data are records like customer, vendor or
item records which are already created. Entries means entries on which it is specifically allowed
from an accounting perspective to update specific information. (e.g. due date on customer ledger
 Approve or reject tasks in all workflows assigned to a user
 Create, edit, delete a quote or requisition
 Create, edit, delete personal information
 Enter a Time Sheet for Jobs
 Use PowerApps for Dynamics 365
See Appendix A for a summary of Dynamics 365, Business edition use rights and the Power Apps licensing
guide for additional information on PowerApps and Flow licensing.

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