SSH returns “too many authentication failures” error – HostGator
I am an avid fan of using HostGator for small business WordPress website hosting. I love that they use a standard CPanel installation and I can get SSH access, it’s quick and easy – a diet VPS/dedicated server if you will.
I have been having an issue I’ve never seen before, when attempting to connect, e.g.:
ssh -p 2222 username@
I was receiving the following error:
Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for username
Why I Got This Too Many Authentication Failures Error
Recently, I started working on a large project that involved two big brands, in working with their dev team, I started using Git (which I love now) and authenticating with SSH keys.
After a few hours back and forth with support, troubleshooting IP blacklists and user errors, we realized it was key conflict that was troubling things. I temporarily moved these keys out of the~/.ssh/
directory and I was okay – until I reset them and they were stored in my OS X keychain.
Even moving them or deleting them did nothing. I also want to keep these keys intact because I use them to authenticate with Git and some of my project servers.
How I Fixed It
Thanks to this answer on, I realized there’s a nice little flag for options I can send:-o PubkeyAuthentication=no
By using this flag, I can have the connection disregard public key authentication all together and allow me to go straight to user/pass login. The final command:
ssh -p 2222 -o PubkeyAuthentication=no username@
Note: the -p 2222
is only required for HostGator in this case, as SSH is restricted to port 2222. Feel free to remove or modify the port flag to your liking – I hope this helps you!
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