分类: Vi/Vim Mac OS X2013-01-01 22:08 3371人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报



2013-01-01 wcdj


下文是对MacVim的使用总结,特别推荐一个印度男孩(Swaroop C H)写的《byte of vim》的manual,正在阅读中。


https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/vim_mac (vim_mac常见问题)

0 什么是MacVim?

MacVim is the text editor Vim for Mac OS X. MacVim brings you the full power of Vim 7.3 to Mac OS X.
Mac OS X,Vim Installation
If you use Mac OS X, then you already have the terminal version of Vim installed. Run the menu command Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal. In the terminal, run the command vim and press enter, you should now see the Vim welcome screen.
If you want to use a graphical version of Vim, download the latest version of the Cocoa-based MacVim project(http://code.google.com/p/macvim/). Double-click the file, it will be unarchived and a directory called MacVimxxx will be created. Open the directory, and copy the MacVim app to your Applications directory.
For more details MacVim differences, including how to run MacVim form the terminal see the macvim reference:
1. Click on Finder -> Applications -> MacVIm
2. Type :help macvim and press the Enter key. 
2,然后使.bashrc文件生效,在终端type命令,source .bashrc即可;

1 Vim的三种模式

There are three basic modes in Vim - normal, insert and visual.
[1] Normal mode is where you can run commands. This is the default mode in which Vim starts up.
[2] Insert mode is where you insert i.e. write the text.
[3] Visual mode is where you visually select a bunch of text so that you can run a command/operation only on that part of the text. 
Command          Action
i                         insert text just before the cursor
I                         insert text at the start of the line
a                        append text just after the cursor
A                        append text at the end of the line
o                        open a new line below
O                       open a new line above
s                        substitute the current character
S                        substitute the current line
r                         replace the current character
R                        replace continuous characters


2 光标的移动

在Vim中完全使用快捷键来实现光标的移动,下面总结常用的shortcut keys:
[1] 两个位置的切换
[2] 多个光标位置切换,Jump around
You want to jump back to the previous location?
Press ctrl-o
to jump forward to the next location?
Press ctrl-i
[3] 行首和行末
^ key moves to the start of the line
$ key moves to the end of the line
[4] 跳转到某行、行首、行末
If you know the absolute line number that you want to jump to, say line 50, press 50G and Vim will jump to the 50th line. If no number is specified, G will take you to the last line of the file. How do you get to the top of the file? Simple, press 1G. (或者gg)
[5] 上页和下页
ctrl-b which means move one screen 'b'ackward
ctrl-f which means move one screen 'f'orward
[6] 窗口内跳转,上、中、下
What if you wanted to the middle of the text that  is currently being shown in the window?
Press H to jump as 'h'igh as possible (first line of the window)
Press M to jump to the 'm'iddle of the window
Press L to jump as 'l'ow as possible (last line being displayed)
[7] Word, Sentences, Paragraphs的移动
w, move to the next 'w'ord
e, move to the 'e'nd of the next word
b, move one word 'b'ackward
), move to the next sentence
(, move to the previous sentence
}, move to the next paragraph
{, move to the previous paragraph
[8] 设定自己的mark,方便跳转(my favorite)
Use ma to create a mark named 'a'. Move the cursor to wherever you want. Press 'a (i.e. single quote followed by the name of the mark) , Vim jumps (back) to the line where that mark was located.
You can use any alphabet (a-zA-Z) to name a mark which means you can have up to 26*2=52 named marks for each file. 

3 Vim graphical keyboard cheat sheet

Notice that our efficiency in using Vim is directly proportional to the efficiency of using the keyboard. 

4 Vim个性化设置


How do I save configuration settings?
Type :h vimrc-intro for more information on Vim configuration files. 
You probably got tired of typing commands that  you use very often. To start Vim with all your favorite option settings and mappings, you write them in what is called the vimdc file. Vim executes the commands in this file when it starts up.
the :version command mentions the name of the "user vimrc file" Vim looks for.
touch ~/.vimrc
vim ~/.vimrc
" 显示行号
se nu

2,修改MacVim的字体,选择一种自己喜欢的字体,下面使用Mac的Monaco等宽字体(Monospaced Font)

How can I change the default font?
Add the line set guifont=Monaco:h14 to your .vimrc to set Monaco as the default font with a size of 14.
通过命令,:se guifont=* 可以查看可以选择的字体。


How can I set the default size of new windows?
Add the line set lines=40 to your .vimrc to make 40 the default number of rows.
se lines=30 columns=80


Searching Options——Highlighting
The following command causes Vim to highlight any strings found matching search pattern:
:se hlsearch
To turn off search highlighting, use:
:se nohlsearch 



若用tab缩进,可以:set list lcs=tab:\|\ (此处是个空格);

vim-indent-guides,Vim 7.2+
Indent Guides is a plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim.
设置某列高亮,此功能非常适合Pythoner,Vim 7.3+
se cc=80
Vim 插件 Tabular 允许你在 Vim 中按等号、冒号、表格等来对齐文本,对于经常写代码的朋友来说,有 Tabular 将会非常方便。

Can't install vim Tabular Plugin

IIRC, Tabular comes with an after directory which contains a plugin in its own directory, an autoload directory, a doc directory & a plugin directory.

So just copy the contents of those directories to their counterparts in $HOME/.vim/ (making any directory that does not already exist) & you're good to go.


Visual模式,vi} :Tab/=

或者,指定要格式化的范围,:100,200 Tab/=


" Tabular codes, '='
map <F1> :Tab/= <CR>
" Tabular codes, ',' (http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/pattern.html#/\zs)
map <F2> :Tab/,\zs <CR>

Align : Help folks to align text, eqns, declarations, tables, etc 



What if you wanted to see colors for different parts of your code?
Run :syntax on. If it doesn't recognize the language properly, use :set filetype=Wikipadia, for example.


What if you wanted  different parts of your file to be folded so that you can concentrate on only one part at a time?
Run :set foldmethod=indent assuming your file is properly indented. There are other methods of folding as well.


What is you wanted to open multiple files in tabs?
Use :tabedit <file> to open multiple files in "tabs" (just like browser tabs), and use gt to switch between the tabs.

9, 自动补齐功能

You use some words frequently in your document and wish there was a way that it could be quickly filled in the next time you use the same word?
While in insert mode, press ctrl-x ctrl-n to see the list of "completions" for the current word, based on all the words that you have used in the current document. Switch between possibilities with ctrl-next and ctrl-previous Alternatively, use :ab mas Maslow's hierarchy of needs to expand the abbreviation automatically when you type mas <space>.


You have some data where only the first 10 characters in each line are useful and the rest is no longer useful for you. How do you get only that data?
Press ctrl-v, select the text and press y to copy the selected rows and columns of text.

11, 将文本的内容从小写全部转换为大写

What if you received a document from someone which is in all caps, find it irritating and want to convert it to lower case?
In Vim, run the following:
: for i in range(0, line('$'))
:     call set line(i, to lower(get line(i)))
There is an even simpler method of selecting all the text (ggVG) and using the u operator to convert to lowercase. 


What if you wanted to open a file whose name is in the current document and the cursor is placed on that name?
Press gf (which means 'g'o to this 'f'ile)


What if you wanted to view two different parts of the same file simultaneously?
Run :sp to 'split' the view


How do you search the file for the current word that the cursor is currently placed on?
Press *


How to do a find and replace only in lines 50-100?
Run :50,100 s/old/new/g


What if you wanted to choose a better color scheme for the display?
Run :colorscheme desert to choose the 'desert' color scheme (my favorite)


What if you wanted to map the keyboard shortcut ctrl-s to save the file?
Run :mmap <c-s>:w<CR>. Note that <CR> means a 'c'arriage 'r'eturn, i.e., the enter key.


q: 和 q/

  1. " MacVim configuration settings
  2. " 2013-01-16 gerryyang
  3. " -------------
  4. " 基本设置
  5. " -------------
  6. " 启用vim高级特性(置于配置最前)
  7. se nocompatible
  8. " 设置文件编码
  9. set encoding=utf-8
  10. set fenc=cp936
  11. set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,gb2312,gb18030,big5
  12. " 显示行号
  13. se nu
  14. " 设置默认字体
  15. se guifont=Monaco:h14
  16. " 设置默认窗口大小
  17. se lines=30 columns=80
  18. " 设置当前行高亮, cursorline
  19. se cul
  20. " 将当前光标下的列高亮, cursorcolumn
  21. " 对于Pythoner比较有用
  22. "se cuc
  23. " 显示光标位置
  24. se ruler
  25. " 记录上次打开的位置
  26. if has("autocmd")
  27. autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78
  28. autocmd BufReadPost *
  29. \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") |
  30. \   exe "normal g'\"" |
  31. \ endif
  32. endif
  33. " -------------
  34. " 搜索设置
  35. " -------------
  36. " enable magic matching
  37. set magic
  38. " show matching bracets
  39. set showmatch
  40. " highlight search things
  41. set hlsearch
  42. " ignore case when searching
  43. set smartcase
  44. set ignorecase
  45. " incremental match when searching
  46. set incsearch
  47. " -------------
  48. " 代码设置
  49. " -------------
  50. " 设置语法高亮
  51. syntax enable
  52. syntax on
  53. " 显示缩进tab线
  54. se list lcs=tab:\|\
  55. " 设置代码折叠
  56. set foldenable
  57. set foldnestmax=1
  58. set foldmethod=syntax
  59. " -------------
  60. " 缩进设置
  61. " -------------
  62. " auto indent
  63. set autoindent
  64. " c indent
  65. set cindent
  66. " smart indet
  67. set smartindent
  68. " use hard tabs
  69. set tabstop=4
  70. " 将空格转换为tab, :%retab
  71. set noexpandtab
  72. set shiftwidth=4
  73. " 自动换行
  74. " break long lines
  75. set textwidth=1000
  76. " 设置某列高亮
  77. "se cc=+1
  78. " config C-indenting
  79. set cinoptions=:0,l1,t0,g0
  80. " enable filetype plugin
  81. filetype plugin indent on
  82. " use soft tabs for python
  83. autocmd Filetype python set et sta ts=4 sw=4
  84. " -------------
  85. " 快捷键设置
  86. " -------------
  87. " format codes
  88. map <F8> ggVG= <CR>
  89. " open multiple files in tabs
  90. map <F0> :tabedit <CR>


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