Gilles Castel写的vim中使用的代码片段,质量很高,原文:

下载后,存放到 ~/.vim/plugged/ultisnips/UltiSnips


global !p
texMathZones = ['texMathZone'+x for x in ['A', 'AS', 'B', 'BS', 'C', 'CS', 'D', 'DS', 'E', 'ES', 'F', 'FS', 'G', 'GS', 'H', 'HS', 'I', 'IS', 'J', 'JS', 'K', 'KS', 'L', 'LS', 'DS', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']] texIgnoreMathZones = ['texMathText'] texMathZoneIds = vim.eval('map('+str(texMathZones)+", 'hlID(v:val)')")
texIgnoreMathZoneIds = vim.eval('map('+str(texIgnoreMathZones)+", 'hlID(v:val)')") ignore = texIgnoreMathZoneIds[0] def math():
synstackids = vim.eval("synstack(line('.'), col('.') - (col('.')>=2 ? 1 : 0))")
first = next(i for i in reversed(synstackids) if i in texIgnoreMathZoneIds or i in texMathZoneIds)
return first != ignore
except StopIteration:
return False
endglobal snippet template "Basic template" b
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} % figure support
} \pdfsuppresswarningpagegroup=1 \begin{document}
endsnippet snippet beg "begin{} / end{}" bA
endsnippet priority 100
snippet ... "ldots" iA
endsnippet snippet table "Table environment" b
$0${5/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g}
endsnippet snippet fig "Figure environment" b
endsnippet snippet enum "Enumerate" bA
\item $0
endsnippet snippet item "Itemize" bA
\item $0
endsnippet snippet desc "Description" b
\item[$1] $0
endsnippet snippet pac "Package" b
endsnippet snippet => "implies" Ai
endsnippet snippet =< "implied by" Ai
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet iff "iff" Ai
endsnippet snippet mk "Math" wA
if t[2] and t[2][0] not in [',', '.', '?', '-', ' ']:
snip.rv = ' '
snip.rv = ''
endsnippet snippet dm "Math" wA
.\] $0
endsnippet snippet ali "Align" bA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet // "Fraction" iA
endsnippet snippet / "Fraction" i
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet '((\d+)|(\d*)(\\)?([A-Za-z]+)((\^|_)(\{\d+\}|\d))*)/' "symbol frac" wrA
\\frac{`!p snip.rv =`}{$1}$0
endsnippet priority 1000
context "math()"
snippet '^.*\)/' "() frac" wrA
stripped = match.string[:-1]
depth = 0
i = len(stripped) - 1
while True:
if stripped[i] == ')': depth += 1
if stripped[i] == '(': depth -= 1
if depth == 0: break;
snip.rv = stripped[0:i] + "\\frac{" + stripped[i+1:-1] + "}"
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet '([A-Za-z])(\d)' "auto subscript" wrA
`!p snip.rv =`_`!p snip.rv =`
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet '([A-Za-z])_(\d\d)' "auto subscript2" wrA
`!p snip.rv =`_{`!p snip.rv =`}
endsnippet snippet sympy "sympyblock " w
sympy $1 sympy$0
endsnippet priority 10000
snippet 'sympy(.*)sympy' "sympy" wr
from sympy import *
x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t')
k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)
f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function)
snip.rv = eval('latex(' +'\\', '').replace('^', '**').replace('{', '(').replace('}', ')') + ')')
endsnippet priority 1000
snippet math "mathematicablock" w
math $1 math$0
endsnippet priority 10000
snippet 'math(.*)math' "math" wr
import subprocess
code =
code = 'ToString[' + code + ', TeXForm]'
snip.rv = subprocess.check_output(['wolframscript', '-code', code])
endsnippet snippet == "equals" iA
&= $1 \\\\
endsnippet snippet != "equals" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet ceil "ceil" iA
\left\lceil $1 \right\rceil $0
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet floor "floor" iA
\left\lfloor $1 \right\rfloor$0
endsnippet snippet pmat "pmat" iA
\begin{pmatrix} $1 \end{pmatrix} $0
endsnippet snippet bmat "bmat" iA
\begin{bmatrix} $1 \end{bmatrix} $0
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet () "left( right)" iA
\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right) $0
endsnippet snippet lr "left( right)" i
\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right) $0
endsnippet snippet lr( "left( right)" i
\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right) $0
endsnippet snippet lr| "left| right|" i
\left| ${1:${VISUAL}} \right| $0
endsnippet snippet lr{ "left\{ right\}" i
\left\\{ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\\} $0
endsnippet snippet lrb "left\{ right\}" i
\left\\{ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\\} $0
endsnippet snippet lr[ "left[ right]" i
\left[ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right] $0
endsnippet snippet lra "leftangle rightangle" iA
\left<${1:${VISUAL}} \right>$0
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet conj "conjugate" iA
endsnippet snippet sum "sum" w
\sum_{n=${1:1}}^{${2:\infty}} ${3:a_n z^n}
endsnippet snippet taylor "taylor" w
\sum_{${1:k}=${2:0}}^{${3:\infty}} ${4:c_$1} (x-a)^$1 $0
endsnippet snippet lim "limit" w
\lim_{${1:n} \to ${2:\infty}}
endsnippet snippet limsup "limsup" w
\limsup_{${1:n} \to ${2:\infty}}
endsnippet snippet prod "product" w
\prod_{${1:n=${2:1}}}^{${3:\infty}} ${4:${VISUAL}} $0
endsnippet snippet part "d/dx" w
\frac{\partial ${1:V}}{\partial ${2:x}} $0
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet sq "\sqrt{}" iA
\sqrt{${1:${VISUAL}}} $0
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet sr "^2" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet cb "^3" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet td "to the ... power" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet rd "to the ... power" iA
endsnippet snippet __ "subscript" iA
endsnippet snippet ooo "\infty" iA
endsnippet snippet rij "mrij" i
endsnippet snippet <= "leq" iA
endsnippet snippet >= "geq" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet EE "geq" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet AA "forall" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet xnn "xn" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet ynn "yn" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet xii "xi" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet yii "yi" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet xjj "xj" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet yjj "yj" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet xp1 "x" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet xmm "x" iA
endsnippet snippet R0+ "R0+" iA
endsnippet snippet plot "Plot" w
xmin= ${2:-10}, xmax= ${3:10},
ymin= ${4:-10}, ymax = ${5:10},
axis lines = middle,
\addplot[domain=$2:$3, samples=${6:100}]{$7};
endsnippet snippet nn "Tikz node" w
\node[$5] (${1/[^0-9a-zA-Z]//g}${2}) ${3:at (${4:0,0}) }{$${1}$};
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet mcal "mathcal" iA
endsnippet snippet lll "l" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet nabl "nabla" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet xx "cross" iA
endsnippet priority 100
snippet ** "cdot" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet norm "norm" iA
endsnippet priority 100
context "math()"
snippet '(?<!\\)(sin|cos|arccot|cot|csc|ln|log|exp|star|perp)' "ln" rwA
\\`!p snip.rv =`
endsnippet priority 300
context "math()"
snippet dint "integral" wA
\int_{${1:-\infty}}^{${2:\infty}} ${3:${VISUAL}} $0
endsnippet priority 200
context "math()"
snippet '(?<!\\)(arcsin|arccos|arctan|arccot|arccsc|arcsec|pi|zeta|int)' "ln" rwA
\\`!p snip.rv =`
endsnippet priority 100
context "math()"
snippet -> "to" iA
endsnippet priority 200
context "math()"
snippet <-> "leftrightarrow" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet !> "mapsto" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet invs "inverse" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet compl "complement" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet \\\ "setminus" iA
endsnippet snippet >> ">>" iA
endsnippet snippet << "<<" iA
endsnippet snippet ~~ "~" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet set "set" wA
\\{$1\\} $0
endsnippet snippet || "mid" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet cc "subset" Ai
endsnippet snippet notin "not in " iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet inn "in " iA
endsnippet snippet NN "n" iA
endsnippet snippet Nn "cap" iA
endsnippet snippet UU "cup" iA
endsnippet snippet uuu "bigcup" iA
\bigcup_{${1:i \in ${2: I}}} $0
endsnippet snippet nnn "bigcap" iA
\bigcap_{${1:i \in ${2: I}}} $0
endsnippet snippet OO "emptyset" iA
endsnippet snippet RR "real" iA
endsnippet snippet QQ "Q" iA
endsnippet snippet ZZ "Z" iA
endsnippet snippet <! "normal" iA
endsnippet snippet <> "hokje" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet '(?<!i)sts' "text subscript" irA
_\text{$1} $0
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet tt "text" iA
endsnippet context "math()"
snippet case "cases" wA
endsnippet snippet SI "SI" iA
endsnippet snippet bigfun "Big function" iA
$1: $2 &\longrightarrow $3 \\\\
$4 &\longmapsto $1($4) = $0
endsnippet snippet cvec "column vector" iA
\begin{pmatrix} ${1:x}_${2:1}\\\\ \vdots\\\\ $1_${2:n} \end{pmatrix}
endsnippet priority 10
context "math()"
snippet "bar" "bar" riA
endsnippet priority 100
context "math()"
snippet "([a-zA-Z])bar" "bar" riA
endsnippet priority 10
context "math()"
snippet "hat" "hat" riA
endsnippet priority 100
context "math()"
snippet "([a-zA-Z])hat" "hat" riA
endsnippet snippet letw "let omega" iA
Let $\Omega \subset \C$ be open.
endsnippet snippet HH "H" iA
endsnippet snippet DD "D" iA
endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets


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