<?php namespace Bookstore\Utils; trait Unique { //static静态属性,类似于其它语言的类变量 private static $lastId = 0; //protected保护属性,仅允许继承类访问 protected $id; public function setId(int $id) { //内置函数判断id是否为空,比$id == null要逼格好点 if (empty($id)) { //注意区分$this-和self::$的语法 $this->id = ++self::$lastId; } else { $this->id = $id; if ($id > self::$lastId) { self::$lastId = $id; } } } public function getId():int { return $this->id; } //静态方法 public static function getLastId():int { return self::$lastId; } } ?>
<?php namespace Bookstore\Domain; use Bookstore\Utils\Unique; //命名空间可以直接use,但如果这个命名空间没有在标准约定位置,且没有自动载入的话,需要使用require来手工定位一下. require_once __DIR__ . '/Unique.php'; class Person { //trait的用法,类内use use Unique; //protected保护属性,仅允许继承类访问 protected $firstname; protected $surname; //private私有属性,不允许类外部直接修改 private $email; //构造函数,初始化类的好地方 public function __construct( $id, string $firstname, string $surname, string $email ) { $this->firstname = $firstname; $this->surname = $surname; $this->email = $email; //复用trait内的方法代码 $this->setId($id); } public function getFirstname():string { return $this->firstname; } public function getSurname():string { return $this->surname; } public function getEmail():string { return $this->email; } //类的部通过public方法更改属性,达到信息封装;类内部通过->修改. public function setEmail(string $email) { $this->email = $email; } } ?>
<?php //命名空间 namespace Bookstore\Domain; interface Payer { public function pay(float $amount); public function isExtentOfTaxes(): bool; } ?>
<?php //命名空间 namespace Bookstore\Domain; //use Bookstore\Domain\Payer; require_once __DIR__ . '/Payer.php'; interface Customer { public function getMonthlyFee(): float; public function getAmountToBorrow(): int; public function getType(): string; } ?>
<?php namespace Bookstore\Domain; /* use Bookstore\Domain\Person; use Bookstore\Domain\Customer; use Bookstore\Domain\Payer; */ require_once __DIR__ . '/Person.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Customer.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Payer.php'; class Basic extends Person implements Customer, Payer { public function getMonthlyFee():float { return 5.0; } public function getAmountToBorrow():int { return 3; } public function getType(): string { return 'Basic'; } public function pay(float $amount) { echo "Paying $amount."; } public function isExtentOfTaxes(): bool { return false; } } ?>
<?php namespace Bookstore\Domain; /* use Bookstore\Domain\Person; use Bookstore\Domain\Customer; use Bookstore\Domain\Payer; */ require_once __DIR__ . '/Person.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Customer.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Payer.php'; class Premium extends Person implements Customer, Payer { public function getMonthlyFee():float { return 10.0; } public function getAmountToBorrow():int { return 10; } public function getType(): string { return 'Premium'; } public function pay(float $amount) { echo "Paying $amount."; } public function isExtentOfTaxes(): bool { return true; } } ?>
<?php namespace Bookstor\Domain; class Book { public function __construct ( int $isbn, string $title, string $author, int $available = 0 ) { $this->isbn = $isbn; $this->title = $title; $this->author = $author; $this->available = $available; } public function getIsbn():int { return $this->isbn; } public function getTitle():string { return $this->title; } public function getAuthor():string { return $this->author; } public function isAvailable():bool { return $this->available; } public function getCopy():bool { if ($this->available < 1) { return false; } else { $this->available--; return true; } } public function addCopy() { $this->available++; } public function __toString() { $result = '<i>' . $this->title . '</i> - ' . $this->author; if (!$this->available) { $result .= ' <b>Not available</b>'; } else { $result .= " <b>{$this->available}</b>"; } return $result . '<br/>'; } } ?>
<?php //使用命名空间,易于在大型应用中管理和组织php类. use Bookstor\Domain\Book; use Bookstore\Domain\Customer; use Bookstore\Domain\Person; use Bookstore\Domain\Basic; use Bookstore\Domain\Premium; use Bookstore\Utils\Unique; //命名空间可以直接use,但如果这个命名空间没有在标准约定位置,且没有自动载入的话,需要使用require来手工定位一下. require_once __DIR__ . '/Unique.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Book.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Customer.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Person.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Basic.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/Premium.php'; $book1 = new Book("1984", "George Orwell", 9785267006323, 12); $book2 = new Book("1984", "George Orwell", 9785267006323); $customer1 = new Basic(5, 'John', 'Doe', ''); //$customer2 = new Customer(null, 'Mary', 'Poppins', ''); $customer3 = new Premium(7, 'James', 'Bond', ''); if ($book1->getCopy()) { echo 'Sale 1 copy.<br/>'; } else { echo 'can not sale.<br/>'; } //数据类型转换,天下语言几乎大同. $string1 = (string)$book1; $string2 = (string)$book2; echo $string1; echo $string2; //调用类的静态方法,可以直接用类名,也可以用实例名.但都是用::符号. echo Person::getLastId(); echo '<br/>'; echo $customer1::getLastId(); function checkIfValid(Customer $customer, array $books):bool { return $customer->getAmountToBorrow() >= count($books); } echo '<br/>'; var_dump(checkIfValid($customer1, [$book1])); echo '<br/>'; var_dump(checkIfValid($customer3, [$book1])); echo '<br/>'; $basic = new Basic(1, "name", "surname", "email"); $premium = new Premium(2, "name", "surname", "email"); var_dump($basic->getId()); echo '<br/>'; var_dump($premium->getId()); echo '<br/>'; var_dump(Person::getLastId()); echo '<br/>'; var_dump(Unique::getLastId()); echo '<br/>'; var_dump(Basic::getLastId()); echo '<br/>'; var_dump(Premium::getLastId()); echo '<br/>'; //判断父类及继承关系 var_dump($basic instanceof Basic); echo '<br/>'; var_dump($premium instanceof Basic); echo '<br/>'; var_dump($basic instanceof Customer); echo '<br/>'; var_dump($premium instanceof Payer); echo '<br/>'; var_dump($basic instanceof Payer); echo '<br/>'; function processPayment($payer, float $amount) { if ($payer->isExtentOfTaxes()) { echo "What a lucky one..."; } else { $amount *= 1.16; } $payer->pay($amount); } //多态实现 processPayment($basic, 2000); echo '<br/>'; processPayment($premium, 2000); echo '<br/>'; ?>
Sale 1 copy. George Orwell - 9785267006323 11 George Orwell - 9785267006323 Not available 7 7 bool(true) bool(true) int(1) int(2) int(7) int(0) int(7) int(7) bool(true) bool(false) bool(true) bool(false) bool(false) Paying 2320. What a lucky one...Paying 2000.
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