Handsontable vue如何实现在线编辑excal
:data="hotSettings.dataList" // excal中的数据源
:context-menu="hotSettings.contextMenu" // 右击鼠标可进行的操作
:col-headers="hotSettings.colHeaders" // 表格头部标题
:start-rows="hotSettings.startRows" // 默认固定行数
:start-cols="hotSettings.startCols" // 默认固定列数
:row-headers="hotSettings.rowHeaders" // 默认显示表格行头部
:row-heights="hotSettings.rowHeights" // 默认设置行高度
:manual-row-resize="hotSettings.manualRowResize" //
:before-remove-row="hotSettings.beforeRemoveRow" // 删除行之前触发的事件
:after-create-row="hotSettings.afterCreateRow" // 添加行后触发的事件 //一定要记住所有的事件、数值一定要绑定在标签上才可使用,只在js的data中绑定是不可以的
:after-change="hotSettings.afterChange" // 新增行,动态改变值触发的事件
<el-button class="primary-button uploadButton"
import addressProvince from '@/components/addressProvince'
import { HotTable } from '@handsontable/vue'
import Handsontable from 'handsontable'
import { Message } from 'element-ui'
import priceList from '@/utils/priceList.js' // 如果excal中有值为空,可拦截
const validatorList = (rule, value, callback) => {
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (!value[i].region || !value[i].destination) {
callback(new Error('请输入价格表中所有信息, 多余的可通过鼠标右击进行删除行'))
const riseWeightVal = function (value, callback) {
if (/^\d+(?=\.{0,1}\d+$|$)/.test(value) || value === '') {
} else {
message: '请输入数字'
} export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
addressList: [{
area: []
hotSettings: {
dataList: [], //
colHeaders: ['区域', '目的地', '首重 kg', '首重价格', '续重 kg', '续重价格'],
startRows: 8,
startCols: 6,
rowHeaders: true,
rowHeights: 40,
manualRowResize: true,
manualColumnResize: true,
manualRowMove: true,
customBorders: true,
columns: [
//data: dataList数组中对应的 键,readOnly: 只读, type: 属于什么类型 例:text, numeric, validator: 数据验证
{ data: 'region', readOnly: false, type: 'text' },
{ data: 'destination', readOnly: false, type: 'text' },
{ data: 'firstWeight', readOnly: false, validator: riseWeightVal, allowInvalid: false },
{ data: 'firstWeightPrice', readOnly: false, validator: riseWeightVal, allowInvalid: false },
{ data: 'riseWeight', readOnly: false, validator: riseWeightVal, allowInvalid: false },
{ data: 'riseWeightPrice', readOnly: false, validator: riseWeightVal, allowInvalid: false }
beforeRemoveRow: this.beforeRemoveRowMe,
afterCreateRow: this.afterCreateRowMe,
afterChange: this.afterChangeMe,
contextMenu: {
items: {
'row_above': {
name: '在此行上方插入行'
'row_below': {
name: '在此行下方插入行'
'separator': Handsontable.plugins.ContextMenu.SEPARATOR,
'copy': {
name: '复制'
'undo': {
name: '撤消'
'separator1': Handsontable.plugins.ContextMenu.SEPARATOR,
'remove_row': {
name: '删除行'
'clear_column': {
name: '删除列'
'clear_custom': {
name: '删除所有单元格',
callback: function () {
expressCompanyList: [],
dateRange: [],
typeBol: false,
searchParam: {
supplierServiceRegionPriceVos: []
searchParamRules: {
supplierServiceRegionPriceVos: [
{ type: 'array', required: true, message: '请填写价格表', trigger: 'blur' },
{ validator: validatorList, required: true, message: '请输入价格表中所有信息, 多余的可通过鼠标右击进行删除行', trigger: 'blur' }
showContent: false,
loadShow: false,
saveLimit: false
}, mounted() {
this.hotSettings.dataList = this._.cloneDeep(priceList)
methods: {
// 删除行之前调用
beforeRemoveRowMe: function (changes, source) { // 数据改变时触发此方法
this.hotSettings.dataList.splice(changes, source)
// 添加行
afterCreateRowMe: function (changes) {
this.hotSettings.dataList.splice(changes, 0, {
region: '',
destination: '',
firstWeight: '',
firstWeightPrice: '',
riseWeight: '',
riseWeightPrice: ''
// 新增行时,动态改变值
afterChangeMe: function (changes) {
if (changes) {
changes.forEach(([row, prop, oldValue, newValue]) => {
this.hotSettings.dataList[row][prop] = newValue
// 查看-excel不可编辑
excalEdit() {
this.hotSettings.columns.forEach(par => {
par.readOnly = true
definedShow() {
this.showContent = true
saveSubmit() {
// 防止点击多次触发
if (this.saveLimit) return
const that = this
that.searchParam.supplierServiceRegionPriceVos = that.hotSettings.dataList
const temp = that._.cloneDeep(this.searchParam)
that.$refs.searchForm.validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
that.saveLimit = true
// 导出文件
uploadFile() {
// 可查看网址https://handsontable.com/docs/7.1.0/ExportFile.html
const container = this.$refs.tableServer.hotInstance
const exportPlugin = container.getPlugin('exportFile')
exportPlugin.downloadFile('csv', {
bom: 'UTF-8', // 允许您使用BOM签名导出数据。
columnDelimiter: ',', // 允许您定义列分隔符。
columnHeaders: false, // 允许使用列标题导出数据。
exportHiddenColumns: true, // 允许您从隐藏列导出数据。
exportHiddenRows: true, // 允许您从隐藏行导出数据
fileExtension: 'csv', // 允许您定义文件扩展名。
filename: '供应商服务价格表[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]', // 允许您定义文件名。
mimeType: 'text/csv', // 允许您定义MIME类型。
rowDelimiter: '\r\n', // 允许您定义行分隔符。
rowHeaders: true // 允许您使用行标题导出数据。
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