

哪怕数据库系统尤其是商业数据库系统,已经采集了上千维的对系统和数据库的监控指标,但是仍然很难提高有效的root cause工具,帮助到DBA

DBSherlock就是为了帮助DBA进行异常发现和根因诊断所设计的performance explanation framework。


Concise predicates describing the combination of system configurations or workload characteristics causing the performance anomaly

High-level diagnoses based on the existing causal models in the system




1. OS资源消耗

Resource consumption statistics from the OS (in our case, Linux’s/proc data), e.g., per-core CPU usage, number of disk I/Os, number of network packets, number of page faults, number of allocated/free pages, and number of context switches

2. DBMS的负载统计

Workload statistics from the DBMS (in our case, MySQL’s global status variables), e.g., number of logical reads, number of SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT commands executed, number of flushed and dirty pages, and the total lock wait-time.

3. 查询明细,包含时间,耗时,具体的SQL,使用的查询计划

Timestamped query logs, containing start-time, duration, and the SQL statements executed by the system, as well as the query plans used for each query

4. OS和DBMS的配置参数,环境变量,kernel的参数,数据库server的参数,网络配置,相关驱动

Configuration parameters from the OS and the DBMS, e.g., environment variables, kernel parameters, database server configurations, network settings, and (relevant) driver versions.



To be continue。。。

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