* *---------------------------------------*
* | ***精确选择识别png图片有像素的区域*** |
* *---------------------------------------*
* 编辑修改收录:fengzi(疯子、wu341、wgq341)
* 不会写代码,我是代码搬运工。
* 联系方式:QQ(493712833)。
* 随 笔: https://www.cnblogs.com/fengziwu/
* 版权协议:请自觉遵守LGPL协议,欢迎修改、复制、转载、传播给更多需要的人。
* 免责声明:任何因使用此软件导致的纠纷与软件/程序开发者无关。
* 日 期: 2019.05.08
*/ package fengzi.bmd
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle; public class InteractivePNG extends MovieClip
{ // -== Public Properties ==-
public function get interactivePngActive():Boolean
return _interactivePngActive;
} public function get alphaTolerance():uint
return _threshold;
public function set alphaTolerance(value : uint):void
_threshold = Math.min(255,value);
} // Excluded from documentation for simplicity, a note is provided under disableInteractivePNG. override public function set hitArea(value : Sprite):void
if (value!=null && super.hitArea==null)
else if (value==null && super.hitArea!=null)
super.hitArea = value;
} // Excluded from documentation for simplicity, a note is provided under disableInteractivePNG. override public function set mouseEnabled(enabled : Boolean):void
// indicates that mouse has entered clip bounds.
if (isNaN(_buttonModeCache)==false)
super.mouseEnabled = enabled;
} // -== Private Properties ==- protected var _threshold:uint = 128; protected var _transparentMode:Boolean = false; protected var _interactivePngActive:Boolean = false; protected var _bitmapHit:Boolean = false; protected var _basePoint:Point; protected var _mousePoint:Point; protected var _bitmapForHitDetection:Bitmap; protected var _buttonModeCache:Number = NaN; // -== Public Methods ==- public function InteractivePNG():void
_basePoint = new Point();
_mousePoint = new Point();
} public function drawBitmapHitArea(event:Event=null):void
var isRedraw:Boolean = (_bitmapForHitDetection != null);
if (isRedraw)
catch (e:Error)
var bounds:Rectangle = getBounds(this);
var left:Number = bounds.left;
var top:Number = bounds.top;
var b:BitmapData = new BitmapData(bounds.width,bounds.height,true,0);
_bitmapForHitDetection = new Bitmap(b); // (So that it is not a mystery if the displaylist is being inspected!)
_bitmapForHitDetection.name = "interactivePngHitMap";
_bitmapForHitDetection.visible = false;
var mx:Matrix = new Matrix();
mx.translate(-left, -top);
b.draw(this, mx);
addChildAt(_bitmapForHitDetection, 0);
_bitmapForHitDetection.x = left;
_bitmapForHitDetection.y = top;
} public function disableInteractivePNG():void
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, trackMouseWhileInBounds);
catch (e:Error)
_bitmapForHitDetection == null;
super.mouseEnabled = true;
_transparentMode = false;
_bitmapHit = false;
_interactivePngActive = false;
} public function enableInteractivePNG():void
if (hitArea!=null)
_interactivePngActive = true;
} // -== Private Methods ==- protected function activateMouseTrap():void
{ //useCapture=true, priority=high, weakRef=true
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, captureMouseEvent, false, 10000, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, captureMouseEvent, false, 10000, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, captureMouseEvent, false, 10000, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, captureMouseEvent, false, 10000, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, captureMouseEvent, false, 10000, true);
} protected function deactivateMouseTrap():void
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, captureMouseEvent);
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, captureMouseEvent);
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, captureMouseEvent);
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, captureMouseEvent);
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, captureMouseEvent);
} protected function captureMouseEvent(event : Event):void
if (! _transparentMode)
if (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER || event.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER)
// The buttonMode state is cached then disabled to avoid a cursor flicker
// at the movieclip bounds. Reenabled when bitmap is hit.
_transparentMode = true;
super.mouseEnabled = false;
// activates bitmap hit & exit tracking
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, trackMouseWhileInBounds, false, 10000, true);
// important: Immediate response, and sets _bitmapHit to correct state for event suppression.
} if (! _bitmapHit)
} protected function trackMouseWhileInBounds(event:Event=null):void
if (bitmapHitTest() != _bitmapHit)
_bitmapHit = ! _bitmapHit; // Mouse is now on a nonclear pixel based on alphaTolerance. Reenable mouse events.
if (_bitmapHit)
setButtonModeCache(true, true);
_transparentMode = false;
// This will trigger rollOver & mouseOver events
super.mouseEnabled = true;
else if (!_bitmapHit)
// Mouse is now on a clear pixel based on alphaTolerance. Disable mouse events but .
_transparentMode = true; // This will trigger rollOut & mouseOut events
super.mouseEnabled = false;
} // When mouse exits this MovieClip's bounds, end tracking & restore all.
var localMouse:Point = _bitmapForHitDetection.localToGlobal(_mousePoint);
if (hitTestPoint( localMouse.x, localMouse.y)==false)
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, trackMouseWhileInBounds);
_transparentMode = false;
super.mouseEnabled = true;
} protected function bitmapHitTest():Boolean
if (_bitmapForHitDetection==null)
_mousePoint.x = _bitmapForHitDetection.mouseX;
_mousePoint.y = _bitmapForHitDetection.mouseY;
return _bitmapForHitDetection.bitmapData.hitTest(_basePoint, _threshold, _mousePoint);
} protected function setButtonModeCache(restore:Boolean=false, retain:Boolean=false):void
if (restore)
if (_buttonModeCache==1)
buttonMode = true;
if (! retain)
_buttonModeCache = NaN;
_buttonModeCache = (buttonMode==true ? 1 : 0);
buttonMode = false;
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