When does VideoToolbox' VTCompressionSession benefit from hardware acceleration?
I've been working on the gstreamer applemedia encoder plugins and improved the VideoToolbox based video encoding. Running a gstreamer pipeline like:
I was expecting to see a very low CPU usage when encoding h264 video using On which hardware configurations, or given which compression parameters (for example for which |
According to http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad/tree/sys/applemedia/vtenc.c |
The above pipeline will not help you much on determining whether it's Since decodebin is probably using a software decoder, the high CPU I would recommend to compare the output with:
Note specially the property "is-live=true" which is instructing videotestsrc to act as a live source and therefore pushing buffers at a constant rate and not as fast as downstream can consume them. |
When does VideoToolbox' VTCompressionSession benefit from hardware acceleration?的更多相关文章
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