C++中Matrix(矩阵)的基本运算( +、-、=、<<)
HL = new double *[row];
for(i = 0;i < row;i++)
HL[i] = new double [list]; 其次对于不同类型矩阵相加没有找到合适的处理方式,只能手动控制不使不同类型矩阵相加或相减;
其中 row 为行,list为列,HL为存放矩阵的二维指针; 附上一个new运算符的用法; https://www.cnblogs.com/2015-16/p/11782595.html
using namespace std; class Matrix
int row,list;
double **HL;
Matrix(int r_ = , int l_ = );
Matrix(int r_ , int l_ , double **newone);
Matrix(const Matrix & rhs);
Matrix operator + (const Matrix & rhs);
Matrix operator - (const Matrix & rhs);
Matrix operator = (const Matrix & rhs);
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & os , const Matrix & rhs);
}; int i,j; Matrix::Matrix(int r_ , int l_):row(r_),list(l_) //构造函数
HL = new double *[row];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
HL[i] = new double [list];
cout<<"please enter Matrix :"<<endl;
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
for(j = ;j < list;j++)
} Matrix::Matrix(int r_ , int l_ , double **newone ):row(r_),list(l_) //构造函数重载,主要用于加法减法中的return使用
HL = new double *[row];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
HL[i] = new double [list];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
for(j = ;j < list;j++)
HL[i][j] = newone[i][j];
} Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix & rhs)
if(this != & rhs)
this->row = rhs.row;
this->list = rhs.list;
HL = new double *[row];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
HL[i] = new double [list];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
for(j = ;j < list;j++)
this->HL[i][j] = rhs.HL[i][j];
} Matrix::~Matrix() // 析构函数,删除开辟的空间
cout<<"~ Matrix : row ="<<row<<" , list = "<<list<<endl<<endl;
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
delete [] HL[i];
delete [] HL;
} Matrix Matrix::operator + (const Matrix & rhs)
if( (this->row == rhs.row)&&(this->list == rhs.list) )
double **newone;
int r_,l_;
r_ = row;l_ = list;
newone = new double *[row];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
newone[i] = new double [list];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
for(j = ;j < list;j++)
newone[i][j] = HL[i][j] + rhs.HL[i][j];
return Matrix(r_,l_,newone);
// else
// cout<<"error ——矩阵类型不符 "<<endl;
} Matrix Matrix::operator - (const Matrix & rhs)
if( (this->row == rhs.row)&&(this->list == rhs.list) )
double **newone;
int r_,l_;
r_ = row;l_ = list;
newone = new double *[row];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
newone[i] = new double [list];
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
for(j = ;j < list;j++)
newone[i][j] = HL[i][j] - rhs.HL[i][j];
return Matrix(r_,l_,newone);
// else
// cout<<"error ——矩阵类型不符 "<<endl;
} Matrix Matrix::operator = (const Matrix & rhs)
if((this->row == rhs.row)&&(this->list == rhs.list))
for(i = ;i < row;i++)
for(j = ;j < list;j++)
this->HL[i][j] = rhs.HL[i][j];
return (*this);
// else
// cout<<"error ——矩阵类型不符 "<<endl;
} ostream & operator << (ostream & os,const Matrix & rhs)
os<<"Matrix : row ="<<rhs.row<<" , list = "<<rhs.list<<endl;
for(i = ;i < rhs.row;i++)
for(j = ;j < rhs.list;j++)
os<<rhs.HL[i][j]<<" ";
return os;
} int main()
int m,n,x,y;
Matrix aa(n,m),bb(n,m),cc(n,m),dd(x,y);
return ;
2019-11-02 15:34:51
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