LeetCode 559. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree(N-Tree的深度)
Given a n-ary tree, find its maximum depth.
The maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.
For example, given a 3-ary
We should return its max depth, which is 3.
// Definition for a Node.
class Node {
int val;
vector<Node*> children; Node() {} Node(int _val, vector<Node*> _children) {
val = _val;
children = _children;
class Solution {
int maxDepth(Node* root) {
if (root == NULL) {
return ;
} int maxd = ;
int tmp = ;
for (auto child : root->children)
tmp = + maxDepth(child);
if (tmp > maxd) {
maxd = tmp;
} return maxd;
} // int maxDepth(Node* root) {
// if (root == nullptr) return 0;
// int depth = 0;
// for (auto child : root->children) depth = max(depth, maxDepth(child));
// return 1 + depth;
// }
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