#ifdef _AFXDLL
private: \
static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY _eventsinkEntries[]; \
static UINT _eventsinkEntryCount; \
protected: \
static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP eventsinkMap; \
static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* PASCAL GetThisEventSinkMap(); \
virtual const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* GetEventSinkMap() const; \ #else
private: \
static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY _eventsinkEntries[]; \
static UINT _eventsinkEntryCount; \
protected: \
static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP eventsinkMap; \
virtual const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* GetEventSinkMap() const; \ #endif
  An OLE container can provide an event sink map to specify the events your container will be notified of. Use the DECLARE_EVENTSINK_MAP macro at the end of your class declaration. Then, in the .CPP file that defines the member functions for the class, use the BEGIN_EVENTSINK_MAP macro, macro entries for each of the events to be notified of, and the END_EVENTSINK_MAP macro to declare the end of the event sink list.
Message-Map Declaration and Demarcation Macros
Declares that a message map will be used in a class to map messages to functions (must be used in the class declaration).
Begins the definition of a message map (must be used in the class implementation).
Ends the definition of a message map (must be used in the class implementation).
Message-Mapping Macros
Indicates which function will handle a specified command message.
Indicates which function will handle a specified control-notification message.
Indicates which function will handle a user-defined message.
Indicates which function will handle a menu command from a DocObject or its container.
Indicates which function will handle a registered user-defined message.
Indicates which function will handle a registered user-defined message when you have a CWinThread class.
Indicates which function will handle a user-defined message when you have a CWinThread class.
Indicates which function will handle a specified user-interface update command message.
Message-Map Range Macros
Indicates which function will handle the range of command IDs specified in the first two parameters to the macro.
Indicates which update handler will handle the range of command IDs specified in the first two parameters to the macro.
Indicates which function will handle notifications from the range of control IDs specified in the second and third parameters to the macro. The first parameter is a control-notification message, such as BN_CLICKED.



  TRACE(<输出格式>,<表达式>)中的参数是由输出格式和表达式组成,其形式与函数printf()的参数一样。TRACE宏的功能是在调试运行时把表达式的值输出到Output调试窗口。TRACE宏只在MFC应用程序Debug版的调试运行状态下才起作用,并且必须保证Developer Studio中的Enable tracing设置使能。

  注:VS2010 中,用TRACE不要加 _T ,不然会提示_CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error


char* szName="LiMing";
int nAge=;
//vs2010 中,用TRACE不要加 _T ,不然会提示_CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error


  ASSERT(<表达式>) :如果表达式为真,则程序继续执行;否则暂停程序的运行,并弹出一个对话框,告诉用户程序暂停运行的行及所在文件的信息。用户可选择终止运行、调试程序或继续运行。




  In the Debug version of MFC, evaluates its argument. If the result is 0, the macro prints a diagnostic message and halts the program. If the condition is nonzero, it does nothing. The diagnostic message has the form "assertion failed in file <name> in line <num>".

  In the Release version of MFC, VERIFY evaluates the expression but does not print or interrupt the program. For example, if the expression is a function call, the call will be made.


// VERIFY can be used for things that should never fail, though
// you may want to make sure you can provide better error recovery
// if the error can actually cause a crash in a production system. // It _is_ possible that GetDC() may fail, but the out-of-memory
// condition that causes it isn't likely. For a test application,
// this use of VERIFY() is fine. For any production code, this
// usage is dubious. // get the display device context
HDC hdc;
VERIFY((hdc = ::GetDC(hwnd)) != NULL); // give the display context back
::ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);



  运行时类型识别(runtime type information,RTTI)是指在程序运行时能够确定一个对象的类型。MFC扩充了一般C++中运行时类型识别的功能,当一个类支持MFC的运行时类型识别功能时,它允许程序获取对象的信息(如类名、所占存储空间大小及版本号等)和基类信息(runtime class informtation,RTCI)。


  Adds the ability to access run-time information about an object's class when deriving a class from CObject.

  If you use the DECLARE_DYNAMIC and IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC macros as described, you can then use the RUNTIME_CLASS macro and the CObject::IsKindOf function to determine the class of your objects at run time.


  Gets the run-time class structure from the name of a C++ class.

  RUNTIME_CLASS returns a pointer to a CRuntimeClass structure for the class specified by class_name. Only CObject-derived classes declared with DECLARE_DYNAMIC,DECLARE_DYNCREATE, or DECLARE_SERIAL will return pointers to a CRuntimeClass structure.


CRuntimeClass* prt = RUNTIME_CLASS(CAge);
ASSERT(strcmp(prt->m_lpszClassName, "CAge") == );

Color Macros


语法形式:COLORREF RGB( BYTE byRed, BYTE byGreen, BYTE byBlue )

  The intensity for each argument is in the range 0 through 255. If all three intensities are zero, the result is black. If all three intensities are 255, the result is white.

  To extract the individual values for the red, green, and blue components of a COLORREF color value, use theGetRValueGetGValue, and GetBValue macros, respectively.




#define  __T(x)      L ## x

#define  _T(x)       __T(x)
#define _TEXT(x) __T(x)
#ifdef   UNICODE
#define __T(x) L ## x
#define __T(x) x

  在字符串前加一个L作用: 如 L"我的字符串" 表示将ANSI字符串转换成unicode的字符串,就是每个字符占用两个字节。

  如果你定义了UNICODE,那么_T宏会把字符串前面加一个L。这时 _T("ABCD") 相当于 L"ABCD" ,这是宽字符串;如果没有定义,那么_T宏不会在字符串前面加那个L,_T("ABCD") 就等价于 "ABCD"。
typedef   unsigned   char   CHAR;
typedef unsigned wchar_t WCHAR;

CHAR实际上就是unsigned char,WCHAR为wchar_t,而TCHAR根据是否支持UNICODE而不同。

#ifdef   UNICODE
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
typedef unsigned char TCHAR;

当我们定义了UNICODE宏,就相当于告诉了编译器准备采用UNICODE版本。此时,TCHAR就会由unsigned char变成wchar_t。


  1. VC中常用的宏

        我们在VS环境中开发的时候,会遇到很多宏定义,这些宏可以应用到代码中,或用于编译.工程选项等设置,总之是我们开发中必不可少的工具,有必要做一个总结.有些宏是C/C++定义的,有些宏是VC环境预 ...

  2. MFC宏常识

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  4. kenrnel 驱动中常用的宏

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  5. VC中常用的宏[转]

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  6. MFC宏

    1,DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP:在头文件中声明源文件中所含有的消息映射 2,BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP:标记源文件消息映射的开始 3,END_MESSAGE_MA:标记源文件消息映 ...

  7. Linux驱动中常用的宏

    .module_i2c_driver(adxl34x_driver)展开为 static int __int adxl34x_driver_init(void) { return i2c_regist ...

  8. 在oc中一些常用的宏定义总结

    1.打印CGRect,Size,Point #define NSLogRect(rect) NSLog(@"%s x:%.4f, y:%.4f, w:%.4f, h:%.4f", ...

  9. iOS常用的宏定义总结

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