>>> l=[,,,,]
>>> del l[:]#只是删除列表的部分元素,列表仍然存在
>>> l
[, ]
def runUntilCurrent(self):
Run all pending timed calls.
if self.threadCallQueue:#执行线程化队列,在主线程中执行。
# Keep track of how many calls we actually make, as we're
# making them, in case another call is added to the queue
# while we're in this loop.
count = 0
total = len(self.threadCallQueue)
for (f, a, kw) in self.threadCallQueue:
f(*a, **kw)
count += 1
if count == total:
del self.threadCallQueue[:count]
if self.threadCallQueue:#其他函数可以插入线程化函数
self.wakeUp() # insert new delayed calls now
self._insertNewDelayedCalls()#插入新的延时执行对象 now = self.seconds()#读取系统时间 1970
while self._pendingTimedCalls and (self._pendingTimedCalls[0].time <= now):定时时间到
call = heappop(self._pendingTimedCalls)
if call.cancelled:
continue if call.delayed_time > 0:
heappush(self._pendingTimedCalls, call)
continue try:
call.called = 1
call.func(*call.args, **call.kw)#调用延时对象的函数
if hasattr(call, "creator"):
e = "\n"
e += " C: previous exception occurred in " + \
"a DelayedCall created here:\n"
e += " C:"
e += "".join(call.creator).rstrip().replace("\n","\n C:")
e += "\n"
log.msg(e) if (self._cancellations > 50 and
self._cancellations > len(self._pendingTimedCalls) >> 1):
self._cancellations = 0
self._pendingTimedCalls = [x for x in self._pendingTimedCalls
if not x.cancelled]
heapify(self._pendingTimedCalls) if self._justStopped:
self._justStopped = False


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