SW-DP (Serial Wire Debug Port) Analyzer plugin for the Saleae Logic

The SW-DP protocol is described by the following publicly available documents:

DDI 0316 CoreSight™ DAP-Lite Technical Reference Manual

Programming Internal Flash Over the Serial Wire Debug Interface

CY8C41xx, CY8C42xx Programming Specifications


The Saleae SDK requires Python to script the build of an analyzer; if your computer doesn't have this installed, you are out of luck.

To compile, first download and extract the Saleae SDK:


This will result in a directory of the form "SaleaeAnalyzerSdk-1.1.x". Place the "SW-DP" directory from this project into this Saleae directory.

To compile, follow the PDF in "SaleaeAnalyzerSdk-1.1.x/documentation" and the text file "lib/readme.txt". Consult the Saleae support web site for any issues with the compilation procedure.

The end result of compilation is a library in the "SW-DP/release/" subdirectory. This file must be copied to the "Analyzers" subdirectory of the Saleae Logic software.


The contents of this repository are released under LGPL 2.1.

The SW-DP protocol is described by the following publicly available documents:
DDI 0316 CoreSight™ DAP-Lite Technical Reference Manual
Programming Internal Flash Over the Serial Wire Debug Interface
CY8C41xx, CY8C42xx Programming Specifications

SW-DP (Serial Wire Debug Port) Analyzer plugin for the Saleae Logic的更多相关文章

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